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  1. tit1eist2

    Live from the stand!

    Any chance your buddy shot his buck around the Sandusky/Seneca county line area? I swear I have pics of that deer
  2. tit1eist2

    Trail Cam Hit List

    You got some amazing racks with character running around there. Always love seeing those
  3. tit1eist2

    Delaware State Park

    Well I'm mixing it up and heading down to Delaware State Park tomorrow for gun opener in the bow only zones. I've never been down there, actually heading with a couple friends who I think I've gone a couple times. Anybody had any luck or experiences down there? I've looked on the map but have...
  4. tit1eist2

    Hunting advice

    This isn't exact but it's close I believe. The white squares about where stands and blinds are right meow. Really I'm more interested in the West side because it doesn't get hunted pretty much at all. Thanks for any help.
  5. tit1eist2

    10/29 buck

    Always happens when you don't expect it. Great deer I love reading the stories.
  6. tit1eist2

    Hunting advice

    Trying to upload some images from my phone but its not working. Ill have to do it when I get home in the am
  7. tit1eist2

    Hunting advice

    This weekend I'm going to the cabin I've hunted for about 4 years in coshocton county. Getting down weekends here and there doesn't help You learn deer movement to well. But I I've got an idea where they skirt us. On each side of the property there is a big bowl That nobody ever hunts. How do...
  8. tit1eist2

    Shaved his belly

    Well after working all weekend I finally got back out this morning. Ive had a deer on camera walking up the corn and the woods and crossing my camera and I've been just waiting for him to do it while I was there. Well about 8:45 this morning he did exactly what I expected him to. I've got 2...
  9. tit1eist2

    Monster Ohio Typical

    Lol maize and blue till I die. Definitely was rooting against you last night but games like that are What makes college football so great. 3 years of shame is finally over.
  10. tit1eist2

    RIP Simon

    They're closer than most family members. So sorry to hear. Prayers heading your way
  11. tit1eist2

    Interesting strategy scenario

    Personally I'd be in the same boat as You just wanting to stick it to them. On the other side I've always enjoyed setting up stands and sets for my brother and friends in hopes of them filling their tag. If I were you I'd hunt it once or twice like right now then set your foreman up. You never...
  12. tit1eist2

    Monster Ohio Typical

    This reminds me of that Columbus area cop who shot a big deer. Next his wife will be on here telling us how great he is. Awesome deer. Ill never understand why people give 2 shits about What others think.
  13. tit1eist2

    lone wolf hand climber

    That there was a lot of information. Someone even lasting 2:14 with another's mom....pretty impressive. Thank you all for the feedback. Like I said I was going back and forth between the LW and mellenium setup. Really the prices aren't that big of a difference it just came down to me wanting...
  14. tit1eist2

    lone wolf hand climber

    After reading a lot and going back and forth between the millennium and sticks like I know a few of the TOO guys use, I decided to buy a lone wolf hand climber II. I fell from a climber a few years back and swore em off but the lure of going Where I want went on want got the best of me...
  15. tit1eist2

    Sunday harvest!

    Awesome Buck congratulations
  16. tit1eist2

    Pics from the past few days...

    Moe looks like a frickin moose in the one picture.
  17. tit1eist2

    Missed the Deer contest Sign up.. Sign up here.

    If you don't need the 50 posts ill throw my name in. I'm still new
  18. tit1eist2

    My Brothers Buck

    That's an awesome Buck with a great ending. It amazes me year after year monsters like that Guy always get shot.
  19. tit1eist2

    New guy

    I'm just hoping he gets nice and relaxed with no one hunting him out there and when I get back Tuesday he decides to cone say hello.
  20. tit1eist2

    I got bored today, so I mounted this up for the showroom

    Thanks ill have to check that out