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Winds of change


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Don't know about how the fields are looking in your guys neck of the woods, but here I am starting to see corn stalks turning brown and a yellow tint to the tops of the beans in the fields. To top it off they are calling for a low temp of 46 tonight.

It's not far off fellas, this cool air out there tonight sure is getting me thinking about the walk to the stand on opening morning. :smiley_breakdance::smiley_crazy:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Don't know about how the fields are looking in your guys neck of the woods, but here I am starting to see corn stalks turning brown and a yellow tint to the tops of the beans in the fields. To top it off they are calling for a low temp of 46 tonight.

It's not far off fellas, this cool air out there tonight sure is getting me thinking about the walk to the stand on opening morning. :smiley_breakdance::smiley_crazy:

Man, that's a good thought right there. It doesn't get much better than that first walk out of the season... and seeing that first hard-antlered buck of the season too. I noticed the beans near me starting to turn colors also, and was thinking pretty much the same thing as you at the time. Fall is without a doubt my favorite time of the year. Damn I can't wait!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is going to be a weird harvest year. I think in our area most of the corn will be off early. Beans were either in just about perfect or the rains held them off and they were real late. I think we will have some standing beans late which could help or hurt depending upon your hunting spots in relation to them. One reputable farmer I know said they are looking at record yields this year. For my main new property I just hope they pull the corn early. Sure will help my funnel traffic to increase. With the corn standing it will not be as heavily traveled.

You are not alone Hoytmania! I am psyched too!:smiley_crazy::smiley_cowboy:


Tatonka guide.
Yep happening here too.. I am predicting 90 % of the corn crop will be off before 25% of the beans get done. should be a good year to be a hunter. Hoping our food plot experiment works..we planted beans about 4 week ago.:smiley_bike:


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I figure the beans around me will be off by first week of Oct. and the corn should be off around the last week of Oct. begining of Nov. this year. Should make for some better Rut hunting unlike last year where the corn didn't come down till Dec. lol.

Seen a bunch of Geese flying yesterday and only about 39 more days till frost :D. :smiley_boogie:


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Corn here was planted a month earlier than normal, and the beans a month later than normal. Heck, beans didn't get planted on the farm we hunt until the Second week of June!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Won't be long... it was nice and cool this morning when I took the dog out. Gotta get scouting some birds for next week. All the gear is ready (deer & waterfowl), the stand sites have been prepped for a while, ground blind gonna get put up ASAP, need to switch memory card & batteries on the trail camera early next week, always stuff to do, but man am I ready to start gettin' after it!!!