21-0, WOW!
I hate Notre Dame, tho so ROLL TIDE!
Only thing is now all we are gunna hear is about how good southern football is...........(no comment)
Nah. It's goes without saying.. Lol.
Pretty sound ass whippin so far.
Would be interesting to see what would happen if they actually played a bowl game in the north. Let some of these southern boys come to the tundra and have the home field advantage go the other way.
Will never happen.
I didn't even know it was on... Monday night is WWE night in my house!
Lol. WWE. I get it. If I was anything but a SEC fan I would crawl in hole too after the last 7 seasons.
Why is the South aloud to like every team from the South, but the North is only aloud to like one team in a select state? It is a bit unfair!
Almost puked having to root for Auburn. But I did it. still makes me sick to think about it but the crystal meth went home.
fixed it for ya :smiley_coolpeace:
But remember bama did go beat up on Michygan this year.