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Is this a bit much?


*Supporting Member*
Ok guys I have my opinion on this, and I dont think its a terrible thing to do, but what do you all think.

Obviously with my situation I wont get to hunt this much this year. My uncle and I have put in HOURS and HOURS of work at my place into hanging stands, food plots, hinge cutting, honey hole plots, fruit trees, etc. Even the trails are seeded in oats for the deer.

This year since we knew we wouldnt hunt the place as much, but want to hold deer as much as we can. We have put a feeder right behind the cabin. He has been filling it so far, and will continue to to keep the deer coming towards are low pressured area. Not to mention 5 acres of plots (clover, brassicas, oats, etc).

I also put a small plot in the yard to keep deer pulling towards the center of the farm.

Do you think doing this, and having such low pressure is kinda of a cheap move towards my neighbor??

PS. My neighbor and I have a great relationship.


*Supporting Member*
You are ate up...

Huck- we all know that! my buddies who love to hunt even ask me, "Al, do you ever get tired of talking about hunting, and preparing for hunting" I say when I sleep I normally dream about chicks, and not deer. If I am lucky I get both in one night! We call that the jackpot!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There's nothing stopping your neighbors from putting in the same amount of investment and effort that you do.
And no reason you should feel bad about it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Your property. Your call. Your neighbor? Sorry about his luck. Not like you were planning on missing hunting season when you planted all the plots and such. Besides, he can do the same things you are doing if he chooses. I think you are over thinking this one.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm with Dan on this one.... But if you're feeling guilty give me the address and I'll go hunt them stir them up and send them back over too the neighbors place..... :smiley_clap:
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*Supporting Member*
Your property. Your call. Your neighbor? Sorry about his luck. Not like you were planning on missing hunting season when you planted all the plots and such. Besides, he can do the same things you are doing if he chooses. I think you are over thinking this one.

Most likely! hahaha

I think the reason I think about this is

1. my neighbor has 20 acres, we own 65. So we more then double his land.
2. We seem to see about 2 or 3 times as many deer as him.

We always grab a beer at my place or his after the hunts. I ask how he did, and always have to talk my night down because he NEVER seems to see deer. Last year he only saw like 2 deer all year. I saw 2 almost every hunt. IDK I agree I have done the work to deserve it but just looking to make sure everyone saw it in the same light as me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Tell him to buy more land? Tell him to buy a better piece of ground? Tell him to make improvements on his land? Tell him to wash his gear and shower every now and then? Maybe start playing the wind?

Lots of variables. Sometimes one property just offers better habitat than the neighboring property. Sometimes people just don't hunt smart or can't stay out of their hunting ground. I wouldn't feel guilty. Just me though.


*Supporting Member*
Tell him to buy more land? Tell him to buy a better piece of ground? Tell him to make improvements on his land? Tell him to wash his gear and shower every now and then? Maybe start playing the wind?

Lots of variables. Sometimes one property just offers better habitat than the neighboring property. Sometimes people just don't hunt smart or can't stay out of their hunting ground. I wouldn't feel guilty. Just me though.

Honestly I am happy you were blunt about this. Thats exactly how I feel, but dont want to be a dick! hahaha It was reassuring to hear someone agree with me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Its not like your putting up a high fence...The boys have covered it above.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
There's nothing stopping your neighbors from putting in the same amount of investment and effort that you do.
And no reason you should feel bad about it.

Agreed! I have 65, my neighbors have 150-200. I have to do what I have to do to keep the deer coming over to my property, its the same thing.


Staff member
They ain't your deer Albert and they ain't his deer either. Do what you want to do, keep it legal and ethical, and whatever becomes of his hunting situation will be what it will be.


*Supporting Member*
They ain't your deer Albert and they ain't his deer either. Do what you want to do, keep it legal and ethical, and whatever becomes of his hunting situation will be what it will be.

Yea very true! Hell probably kill the biggest buck I see around anyways! hahah

I think this was just a post to make sure Im not going insane over deer, I might be. ughh the addiction!