About 10.8 million comes from hunting licenses 10.5 million from deer tags bout 11.4 million from fishing license. The Department of wildlife's annual budget is about 59 million. It's safe to assume that Deer hunters account for about 30% of their budget.
But what their banking on is not that people quit altogether. The odds of someone not hunting a single day is pretty slim. Odds are they will still buy a license and a tag. They may of been a very heavy bow and gun hunter but don't go much anymore. I used to fish all the time. I might go 2-3 times a year now. The end result on revenue is the same wether I spend 1 day at the lake or 100, I still bought a license. We are going to see a price increase on license and tags to offset the lost revenue, in the next couple years you're also going to see a price increase for nonresidents. And something else that's been kicked around for a couple years is a pay for play permit for public land.
Who Is really going to suffer are the merchants the taxidermist and butchers etc. hunting in Ohio is a one billion-dollar generator for the private industry. That is who is going to really feel the pain when people stop hunting 100 days and hunt only one.