That was unreal. I just spent the last half hour surrounded by deer. At about 5:45 I saw a single doe coming from an unexpected direction. She looked skittish and took off so I thought that's all I was going to see. About 5 minutes later the same three doe I've been seeing started coming down the trail. I lifted my crossbow up expecting the buck to be close behind. The small one was in front and I froze, safety off crosshairs on her vitals and she stopped. She stood there and stomped staring right at me and I thought it was over, waiting for her to bolt.
She snorted at me and lifted her tail up, the other two right behind her. Then she walked straight to the corn and the other two followed her! I held that crossbow up so long my arms still hurt. The big doe came back and stared at me some more. Then a small buck another doe and a button buck. All just hung out and looked at me for the longest time. I looked toward the corn and there was another one there.
I have never seen that many deer in one hunt. Three of them came within 10 feet of me...
They would not leave so eventually I had to stand up and walk away. They did run off but not until I had walked 20 feet or so towards my house. Believe it or not all this happened while I was sitting in a chair next to a tree stump. No blind and no stand. I did not see my buck but I don't even care- that was nuts.