REO/CARPN.. that's a load of shit... No trying to start a war, but you have to look at the big picture. Saying you are over run with NR is a bit misguided. Is it crowded during certain times of the year? ABSOLUTELY, is it frustrating, I'm sure. OH is as good as it is, in part, because of the NR, who are willing to pay to hunt there. I'm from NJ, and a small increase probably won't keep me from coming, considering how good the hunting is. It's public land, you don't own it, and if we're willing to pay to take advantage of it, so be it. If you hate the crowds, save up some cash, lease privately, or go out of state, and help support their conservation efforts, just like I do when I come to Ohio.
Bigslam, you don't think it's right for a guy from NY to lease land that borders your property? Would be ok if it was a guy from OH? I understand you live there, and it sucks if a deer you've worked for wanders over to a neighboring property to be killed by a NR, but guess what, it happens all over the country. That's why it's called hunting. This sense of entitlement, that a deer on your property, in a free range environment, is yours to kill, and yours only, is part of what is wrong with hunting today, and why the prices have sky rocketed.