this proves to me that they have a number of deer per county they want to see and its balls to the wall till they get to that number. I'm a fairly educated individual and have yet to see a pattern or figure out what criteria they are actually using other than scorched earth...
It's so simple it's lunacy. They're simply using harvest numbers. It's the only thing that makes any correlation. Once harvest reaches x number it's put into one of the tag and limit categories. At first they put them in higher limit categories to lower the population. Then rarely they would move them in to lower limit categories like they did Fayette.
We'll use the old zone method to make this easier.
Say a county was killing 500 deer and it was in A. 1,000 deer and was in zone B, and 1,500+ was in C. Say they wanted to reduce the population in YYY county that was in Zone B. They would take that county and move it to C to increase the harvest. Naturally it would increase. Then they would point to that county harvest and say the county was overpopulated. They would say they're providing great opertunity there and it was a record harvest etc due to overpopulation. Once harvest started to fall off they would say it was weather, crops, lack of hunters etc. All the while the truth was the population was declining due to over harvest. They're going to leave that county in C until they believe they've reached the harvest number they desire. Maybe it was originally 1000 when in B.. Then went to 1,300 once it was moved to C. and now that it's been in C for years it's down to 700 and the goal is 500. Once it reaches 500 they'll pull back the reins. What they're not taking in to consideration is the increase in opertunity and effort required. They've added gun seasons, cheaper tags, Sunday hunting etc. That 500 today is not the same 500 of 900 that it was years ago. It may actually take double the effort or double the given opertunity to get to today's 500 as it did the 900 way back when. If you took and set the limits and laws back exactly how they were when guys were killing 900 they wouldn't reach the 500 of today, it might only be 250. They have lowered the population increased opertunity. They set the goal of 500 and did all these things to increase kills and get it down to 500. The problem is it's now only 500 will all those increase kill measures in place.