I'm back to the Mathews...
I have a major mental block right now when I grab the Strother, so I am taking my own advice and shooting what is comfortable. Also shooting what I am confident in and that's the bigger issue. Last night I took the Mathews out of the case fro the first time since Woodbury, and promptly shot a baseball sized group of 3 arrows at 37 yards. When I grab that bow, I know I will hit what I am aiming at, especially when it is a deer. When I grab the Strother, I have no idea if I'll hit my point of aim, but if I do, that sum bitch will drive a LOG of an arrow clean through whatever I shot at. The XT will put 2 holes in a deer just the same as the Infinity, so burying it in the dirt another 8" is of no real advantage unless I hit the shoulder. Which, shouldn't happen with the Mathews in my hand.
My and the Strother need more time together. Its a young relationship that will require a higher level of intimacy than we have right now. Someday we'll bond and then things will get really ugly for the deer!