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Brock and Mason... continued

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Time to catch up a little.
Mason and I went out again Monday evening. He went to the blind, I went to an oak flat along a standing bean field. I saw a possum and 8 or 9 deer that were all out in the bean field. There was only one small buck in the group. Mason also saw a small buck.
When we met up at the truck he was awful grumpy. He said he should not have even been out hunting since he had just shot a buck that we didn't recover. I told him I didn't think he did much damage to the deer and to get over it or quit. I didn't know how that was going to turn out, and still don't. We didn't hunt last night because I went into the pizza joint, but he did shoot his bow and later set up a camera across the road from our house. I'm sure he will be glad to saddle up again as soon as I get pics of the deer he shot. I'll check the cam again in a day or two with high hopes...
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I've been wondering about him. Slippery slope to be pushing on. He's A LOT more mature than his years alive though, I'm sure he'll pull out of this. I'm glad he's showing remorse. Now get them pics and make him a new goal to finish what he started!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
I hope the pic's are there as well. Mason will be alright. My guess is remorse right now...Then he's gonna get EVEN. Good Luck my little buddy. Get him and I'll send you down some more Sunny-D!rotflmao

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mason and I have spent the last couple of evenings hunting, and we have been doing it the way I learned to hunt as a kid! We've just been sneaking around, peeking into likely feeding areas and having a blast. Yesterday, he put the sneak on a lone doe that busted him before getting in range and followed that up by getting awful close to a group of 8. I watched that adventure from a distance and saw as two deer he had not previously seen busted him. He was 20 yards or so from them before they picked him up... that was fun to watch.

So today we did more of the same. The first buck we spotted in the corner of a bean field and made a good stalk to get within 40 yards or so. As it played out, the small buck then turned and headed our way! Since he was not one we wanted to shoot, we didn't bother concealing ourselves and once he was within 10 yards or so he spotted us and blew. When he bolted, he scared a squirrel that was within feet of us. That just added to the memory. :) Shortly after all that excitement, we had another small buck come within 20 yards or so as we hid in the brush, he had a bigger buddy with him but I couldn't see it well enough to know how much bigger he was. We walked up on another deer on our way back to the truck too. We've had a lot more fun than we would have if we had been hanging on the side of a tree and I am not at all worried about messing up any stands in the area as we don't even have any up on this farm! ha!

Here is a video clip...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1s2NpgG9AQ&feature=youtu.be
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Oh, he had us picked off without a doubt. What was sort of shocking was how close we were to the squirrel. When the deer took off it spooked the squirrel and he then spooked us! ha


That's awesome Brock! Sounds like you guys needed to just get out and relax and have some fun hunting. Also what kind of camera are you filming with it has amazing quality!