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Mornin' geezer!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Saw a good one. Then he headed my buddy's way. Then I heard a boom. Hope that was the bad gut feeling. I don't know. I'm out of the woods now. Happy as heck for him. Both my local hunting buddies have connected on good bucks this year. Always the bridesmaid. Never the bride. . . .Except the last 3 years. If I eat a tag this year but helped them drag a couple good ones out, it has been a great season.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Morning morning morning! I'm ready to hit the shower, smoke up, and hit the woods! Feeling pretty giddy this morning. There were guys out all over yesterday. I stayed out of the woods I will be hunting today. Deer should be pushed in there pretty good about now. Hunting the thick end of the property and have a great wind for it. Want to carry the Henry but I am not risking it. My "Geezer good luck special" will be in hand. If I get a shot I want the 220 with a scope to bark.

Good morning and good luck my friends. Be safe. Stay thirsty. . . . Blood thirsty.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Mornin Geezer and all of tooville...

Good luck with the 220 Phil, mine barked a couple times this week...

You out in the stand Chad? If so, good luck too you and Dustin...



Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member

when i had to slow down to stop at the red over the bump because two cars front of me slowed to stop on red light. And when it turned green, off we go... well the white car behind me, a guy gets out to look at front of the car, and im looking in rear view mirror. ..im like whats he doing. So i pulled over to new miami school parking lot to look back of my truck and sure enough it was my spare tire missing. So im like oh shit...i better get back see if that guy needs a talk or what.. i wanted to let him know that i didnt know. So when i came back there he was already gone. He had put the spare tire on side of the rode. So i figured everything is okay. I was so glad it happened at a red light instead of going 40 on a 35...


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Yeah i know. When i got to the blind i said thank you to God that i was glad it happened then.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Morning Cuzin Geezer, J, Phil, Chad, XBH, BH, Giles, Moonlab, Q673, CJD, Joe, Jesse, Dustin, "El Gordo" and the rest of TOOville.

Just picked up deer #2 at the processor. Got me some Smokies this time!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Excellent Monday morning all! Gun season is over. It was long and tiring. Woke up to the wife at work and kids at school. Doing payroll. Being lazy in an empty house. Life IS good!