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Sick dog...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Glad it wasn't anything that couldn't be corrected Dave....

Heading too the vets in a little bit with the wife's dog, he's probably got glaucoma but should no more today....



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Dave... Any updates on your dog today??... Hows the meds working???


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Tanner Boy seems to be getting back to himself. Slow process I'm sure as he's no puppy anymore. He didn't get sick all night and took a few bites of food. He's been drinking lots of water, that alone makes me feel better. He's still pretty lethargic, but getting better.

Thanks for asking.
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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Glad to hear he is doing better Dave. So many different things those little devil's can get into and just like little kids they have to put it into their mouth and it only takes a quick second of not having eyes on them to get in trouble lol. Won't be long now and he will be back to stealing your seat and cleaning up what the kids drop on the floor lol.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Tonight was weird... I came home and let him out like the wife asked, then put him back into the laundry room. He's doing a lot better but still hasn't pooped. Even though, as the wife put it "he's causing an issue with the ozone".

But as I walked to my chair to take my boots off, he didn't greet me...weird. Then waking up to my room I didn't trip over him getting into bed. Both things that hit very hard and close to my heart.

As I let him out, he seemed to be back to being himself. As he walked around the garage sniffing everything and had some pep in his step. All in all, I think he'll be alright. Me...I'm not so sure I'll recover as quickly as him.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Nah, I know what he got into. Raw pork fat from the neighbors pile. At least he doesn't snare the pile… Time to start keeping a better eye on my dog and keeping him on my land. It's hard to do with kids, they'll just let him out and close the door. Thats when he wanders off after they don't let him back in. Might even try and fix the underground fence…plenty of things I can do on my end. I can't blame the dog, this wasn't his fault.

Hey J, did everything work out for you that day? Ain't heard much from you lately.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Good news, Dave. I'd look at getting that fence fixed. You never know if he's got snares out or not, your dog could of missed them.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nah, I know what he got into. Raw pork fat from the neighbors pile. At least he doesn't snare the pile… Time to start keeping a better eye on my dog and keeping him on my land. It's hard to do with kids, they'll just let him out and close the door. Thats when he wanders off after they don't let him back in. Might even try and fix the underground fence…plenty of things I can do on my end. I can't blame the dog, this wasn't his fault.

Hey J, did everything work out for you that day? Ain't heard much from you lately.

Yeah, his pressures are back to normal....
Heading back tomorrow or Friday with the older beagle... Right front paws boogered up... Pulled out 3 thorns yesterday and one was about 3/8" long... Going to have the vet X-ray it to make sure no damage to any of the bones.... She's a tripod right now... Won't put weight on it....



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Yeah, his pressures are back to normal....
Heading back tomorrow or Friday with the older beagle... Right front paws boogered up... Pulled out 3 thorns yesterday and one was about 3/8" long... Going to have the vet X-ray it to make sure no damage to any of the bones.... She's a tripod right now... Won't put weight on it....

Damn, seems you've spent a lot of time in that place lately. Hope that turns around for you soon. Good luck! Keep us posted.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Damn, seems you've spent a lot of time in that place lately. Hope that turns around for you soon. Good luck! Keep us posted.

Thanks, yeah between Candy with ear infections and Gunner with the eye issue and now Sarah with a bum foot I'm getting to used to being in there, although I did change vets after Candy's last go around with the ear infection.... Giving this one a try and see how it goes...

I just hope it's nothing serious with that foot.... If she picks up a briar in the pad it always seems to be that one.... Hopefully it's not a sign of anything other then being right side dominant....
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