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Let's talk about our old Principals!


Junior Member
NW Ohio
I looked everywhere but could not find a thread about principals ?!?! So I figured I would start one !

Sorry I had to mess with you guys! :smiley_crocodile:


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I went to school with a couple of guys that are now principals...weird to me. I didn't like school the first time. I'll be damned if I ever made it a fucking job! I barely like my kids half the time[emoji23]


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Hell. I thought this thread was going to be about morals. Codes a man lives by. His opinion of right and wrong.
His principles...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I was an asshole in high school, was a hand full in elementary school, by today's standards I'd of been heavily sedated too sit in a classroom..... I was semi sedated in high school but that's a whole different story....

My hats off to some teachers who try to make a difference vs the ones who make a paycheck....

And too all my former teachers/principals/counselors my heartfelt apologies.... lol


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
I had a pretty cool principal in HS. I moved out of my parents house the day I turned 18, the next day I started my Senior year. My principal knew about it and she called me into her office once a week to make sure I was doing ok. Mrs. Winklejohn. She wore pink Velcro Reebok shoes. Weird, but very nice.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had a wonderful HS principal. I worked in his office during a couple of free periods my senior year. He became a friend/mentor.

I was involved in a little bit of a fight in September of my senior year. I had no choice in the matter, so I made the best of the situation. I hit the boy first and often. He was a big, mean SOB and I was not about to let him bust me in the nose without at least knocking him off balance first. That part of the ordeal worked out pretty dang good for me. Both of us being pretty good sized boys, none of the teachers intervened. They just let us go until it was done. Nice of them, really, as it would have just continued if there had not been a clear beating handed out.
So after the ordeal, Mr. Little took me to his office. He knew the circumstances and that I had no choice in the matter, but he also had no choice at that time but to suspend me for three days. I enjoyed the first three days of rabbit season off from school. He also got me with the "circle game" when he handed me my diploma on graduation day. He was awesome. :)


I strongly disliked 90% of the teachers and principals I had throughout my educational career. This was was most likely 100% my fault. Then I married a teacher and my whole perspective changed. My hat's off to all of the educators out there who genuinely care to make a difference in young people's lives. The ones who are doing it for the paycheck, the joke's on you. Being a teacher is the definition of overworked and underpaid


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Looking back I was a real pain in the ass in my HS year. My DIL is a teacher of special needs kids and my hat is off to her as I couldn't do it.
Only teacher I disliked was my 8th grade teacher. Went through 12 years of a Catholic school and some of those nuns where real angles and some where real evil devils.
The 8th grade nun gave me problems from the 1st day. My older brother told me never to say he was my brother as he must have really gave her problems. 1st day she did ask me and I replied he was a distant cousin. Then when my name Frank came up it couldn't be Frank because there is no ST. Frank. My middle name is Frank so she insisted on calling me by my 1st name but after one week of me not responding to it during roll call she gave up.
Then one time she hit me with a rule for something I didn't do. I complained and she hit me a 2nd time. I tried to take the ruler out of her hand but it had a metal edge on it and cut my hand wide open. Then I really got pissed and took the ruler away and broke it and half and told her never hit me again. She got the point and left me alone the rest of the year.
The last day of school after I passed with honors I told her my older brother was really my brother and she was pissed at me lying but then I was gone off to high school. I did tell my next brother coming up to tell her he didn't know me. LOL


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Since we're kinda on this subject. Whats up with all the hot horny teachers nowadays. Every week I hear on the radio about some teacher nailing her students. Messes those teenage boys up for life I bet lol. Only thing to happen in my area like that was two teachers were screwing in the classroom and taking pictures on the art rooms camera and some kids found them on the camera. But back to the subject I wouldn't want there job. Especially nowadays


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Since we're kinda on this subject. Whats up with all the hot horny teachers nowadays. Every week I hear on the radio about some teacher nailing her students. Messes those teenage boys up for life I bet lol. Only thing to happen in my area like that was two teachers were screwing in the classroom and taking pictures on the art rooms camera and some kids found them on the camera. But back to the subject I wouldn't want there job. Especially nowadays

I agree! All of the teachers back in our day seemed older and had principles.

Hats off and kudos given to those who do care about the kids and their education like our very own Mike and Marcus....:smiley_clap:
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