Phil, if we were hit with EHD as hard as Kentucky is this season, I'm sure there's be discussions. Yes we have a few pockets in Ohio that took a hit but nothing even close to what Kentucky or PA are dealing with.
My question is how do we know that for sure? When our neighbors to the south, south east, and west were all hit hard I'm skeptical the large section of ohio that lies between them was somehow magically spared the same impact.Phil, if we were hit with EHD as hard as Kentucky is this season, I'm sure there's be discussions. Yes we have a few pockets in Ohio that took a hit but nothing even close to what Kentucky or PA are dealing with.
Well the Division of Wildlife received reports all summer and early fall and kept track of potential EHD deaths and confirmed EHD deaths. Somewhere online they have a map showing the distribution and abundance of said reports (whether or not it's up-to-date is a different story). The map shows a few "hot spots" in the state, but nothing widespread like KY and PA. To question the accuracy of the distribution would be assuming that people in some areas of Ohio just choose not to report the findings for some odd reason.My question is how do we know that for sure? When our neighbors to the south, south east, and west were all hit hard I'm skeptical the large section of ohio that lies between them was somehow magically spared the same impact.
Phil, if we were hit with EHD as hard as Kentucky is this season, I'm sure there's be discussions. Yes we have a few pockets in Ohio that took a hit but nothing even close to what Kentucky or PA are dealing with.
JB, do you think it is possible that the state would either shut down gun season in Jefferson County this year or at least revisit the bag limit for the rest of the season?
I highly doubt they'll make any changes mid-season like that. Most of your average hunters don't pay attention to or read regulations that come out months in advance... Changing things halfway through would be a nightmare from a regulation standpoint. I'd be surprised if some changes weren't made for next season though.JB, do you think it is possible that the state would either shut down gun season in Jefferson County this year or at least revisit the bag limit for the rest of the season?
I highly doubt they'll make any changes mid-season like that. Most of your average hunters don't pay attention to or read regulations that come out months in advance... Changing things halfway through would be a nightmare from a regulation standpoint. I'd be surprised if some changes weren't made for next season though.
I highly doubt they'll make any changes mid-season like that. Most of your average hunters don't pay attention to or read regulations that come out months in advance... Changing things halfway through would be a nightmare from a regulation standpoint. I'd be surprised if some changes weren't made for next season though.
Jack I think your getting to be a smaller fish in a bigger pond everyday! The sky is not falling and the Ohio deer herd is going to do just fine.
Do you take us seriously or just here to say you are here? I have only seen you post in this thread as well, which is making me draw my own conclusion. One big talk about EHD comes to mind...
I don't think we should shoot the guy who brings the message when he doesn't make the new rules.
Jack I think your getting to be a smaller fish in a bigger pond everyday! The sky is not falling and the Ohio deer herd is going to do just fine.
I don't think we should shoot the guy who brings the message when he doesn't make the new rules.