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Garden pics!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Badger and Buckrun do better than myself but lets start sharing this years garden pics.

Just happen to have these two on my phone so I'll start:

I will have some cucumbers and eggplant to eat soon!



*Supporting Member*
1hornwilly just started one. He's going to be all over this. He keeps trying to show me his potatoes. :smiley_chinrub:

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member

I'll have to take some new pictures tomorrow to update, but that's a start! Pics are a couple weeks old.

Hahaha wait til you see those tomato plants now! High tunnel greenhouses are the way to go!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
That has been a traditional greenhouse, so next year all that will be done is top off the compost and lay new plastic. That one we ripped up the old fabric, laid rows, laid plastic, and planted in about 15 man hours. Not that big, I think it's like 40 by 20? Wait til you see the 90 by 24 we've been building...it's been a ton of work this year but it will make things so much nicer next year.


*Supporting Member*
Badger. Show me a pic of what it looks like ready to pull. Not sure when to pull mine.

Basically when the tops are almost all browned off. I will take a pic for you in another week or so when mine is ready. Depending on when you planted yours, the area you live in, I would think yours would be done ahead of mine.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I wish someone would perfect the vagina bush. I could get into gardening if I had rows and rows of those.

Everybody else just seemed to glance right over that... rotflmao You'd have to get an electric fence to keep all the neighbors out!!! You think having them sneak over and steal tomatoes is bad...

I'll get some pics of our little patch up Beentown. Couple tomato & pepper plants, nothing too crazy but someday when we have a bigger yard we'll have a bigger garden.