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TOO 2010-2011 Daily Hunting Log


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Thanks, 1023... ;)


Hopefully I will actually have some input to this thread. I would like to actually keep tabs on what I am doing and see if maybe it hekps me with my set ups and where I should be hunting compared to the past. This year I am in two completely different spots that have never been hunted before so hopefully it turns out for the better.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Well, I suppose I will get this started...

Hunted Saturday and Sunday. Windy Saturday and didn't have much movement. Saw a red fox, and then at 6:30 had a good character buck and 2 8's come in. My hunting buddy wants the character buck so I let him go, wasn't going to take the small 8, and the 3rd buck I just couldn't justify on opening day.

Sunday was slow for me until I must have gotten winded at 5:50. Was sitting still looking to my left when a deer takes off behind me. Just before 7pm I heard deer come crashing in and check up just out of sight. Finally see antlers moving through. By the time the first one steps into a lane it is too dark. 2 smaller bucks go through, a 3rd starts running (not because of me cause he is getting closer and going to move past my setup with the direction he is moving) which spooks the 1st two off. I think all 3 are out of the area and it is dark out now. So I start to get ready to get down and the 3rd one was still there, snorted and took off. Turned out a 4th was still linger that hadn't come out yet and he took off. Pissed that I busted them up getting down but can't change it now...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
On Saturday I decided to get out there early, really early, because of the full moon. As soon as I step outside the mowed portion of property I spooked a bunch of deer. So I am a bit frustrated at that. Nothing I could do so I started heading back to the stand and spook more in the cornfield on the way. It was nice morning with little movement (one doe and one young 8). But the woods are so thick that I couldn't see very far anyway.



*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Yesterday was pretty unevenful. Got in the stand about 100 and got all set up. It was a beautiful day. The wind was all wrong for me but i smoked up pretty good and hoped that helped. Well my neck and my head were killing me(horrible time for a migraine). I touched it out till about 530. Dad had one doe in the corn and got spooked by a fawn that busted out of the thicket behind him. He jumped which got momma blowing and then the doe in the corn started blowing. This went on for 5 min. I figured he spooked em all out so i snuck out and went to the truck. I did hear a buck growling at one point but it was to thick to see where he was. I would have probably been able to see and possibly shoot if the leaves weren't still on the trees. Two weeks and i will be back out again. Hopefully the cold that's coming will get them all moving. No rubs yet.checked all around my stand which is by a rub line that gets hit every year. Im sure it wont be long though.
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Senior Member
Hunted Saturday morning until 7:33 am. I took a doe at 15 yards then the work began.
I had her on ice all weekend and finished the butcher job late last night.
It's time for buck season to begin now.


Tatonka guide.
i shot my bow......in my yard...guess I better get going eh?

buckmaster did ya get her with your recurve?


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I'll post up the good stories in their own threads...

1023's Season Tally

AM Hunts: 1
PM Hunts: 2
All day sits: 0
Total Hunts: 3
Hours on Stand: 6
Average time of hunt: 2

Does seen: 5
Different bucks seen: 1
Total buck sightings: 1
Deer seen per hour on stand: 1.0

Deer killed: 0


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Today was an interesting day in the woods, to say the least. I started out this morning packing up and heading to the farm where Hook Jr and Crazy rack reside. I had plans to sit it out in Jumanji, hoping to catch a good buck slipping through the grown up field to my left. I made the 5 minute drive to the farm, seeing a good buck on the way, grabbed my gear, and made the 3/4 mile trip into the stand. By the time I had everything up in the tree and ready to go, it was 6:45 and I patiently waited for the sun to come up. I'd been in the stand for about an hour, when my belly began to rumble and I started breaking out in a cold sweat (never eat burritos with Jalapeno hot sauce the night before a hunt). I knew I wasn't gonna be able to hold it, and I can't defecate in the woods, so I quickly began packing my gear up in an attempt to make it home before disaster struck. Well in the frantic process of gathering up all my gear, I knock my range finder out of the tree and it rolls into the ravine below me...GREAT, diarrhea AND a broken range finder. I manage to make it out of the tree and get the range finder, and to my surprise, it still worked. I began the 3/4 mile hike, with tad bit quicker pace than the trip in. On my way out I ran a doe out of the beans, and just about stepped on a possum in my jog back to the truck. I dressed down and flew home, barely making it to the toilet...

Bummed that I didn't make it through my first morning hunt, I moped around the house knowing it was suppose to rain in the afternoon. Well, the rain never showed up, so around 4:30, I decided to saddle up and give it another try, this time behind the house. I suited up quickly, smoked up, and I was off. On my way in to the stand I ran a doe and a youngin' out of the field...shoulda been in there earlier...I made my way to the back finger of field and climbed up in a red oak with a low overhanging branch, and began my wait. Around 6:45, I hear rustling to my left, and a spike comes trotting up, downwind, and begins to make a scrape underneath the low hanging branch attached to my tree. This guy spent five minutes less than 10 yards away from me with his head in the air, raking his antlers in the branches and peeing in the fresh scrape. At one point, he stood on his hind legs to reach the highest of branches, before he finished up and continued on down the field edge towards my camera. Shortly after he disappeared out of sight, a doe came out of the low spot below me, and fed broadside to within 40 yards, but with the wind, I didn't feel comfortable taking the shot, so I let her slide. She fed down the field edge towards the camera also, the entire time following the trail I walked in on. It was getting too dark to shoot, so I began gathering my stuff up, when I saw three deer appear from the direction of my camera. I can't be sure, but I would say it was the spike, the doe, and another unidentified buck. The two bucks kept circling each other, and before I knew it they were sparring. Each time they would go at it, the doe would run around them jumping and kicking as if to say, "Hey fellas, there's plenty of me to go around, no need to get rowdy." This show continued for 200 yards as they went from one side of the field to the other. I quickly got down and made the trip back to the house, without busting any deer out of the field.

All in all it was a good day. No monster buck sightings, but a very interesting evening hunt. Hoping it doesn't rain so I can get back out there tomorrow!


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Nothing like hunting the homestead! At least yours feels like hunting! Ours is a little more like cheating!!! LOL Oh well. Regardless, taking something off a place with your name on the deed adds something to the hunt. And you got some good land with your deed!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunday afternoon I hunted the powerline stand on Farm West. Changed cards on two cameras on the way in. Had issues setting up the LW sticks/hang on stand. Underdressed for the weather, and stomach talking to me I decided to pack up early. I also wanted to get down and put the sticks/stand together with some light due to the crazy show I put on hanging them. Cut out early for stand/sticks practice and safety reasons. Next time I will be more comfy with the setup. On the way out I spotted one decent buck. Probably a 120" 2.5yr old. I think I have one shed from him last year. Tried to put the stalk on, but by the time I shed my stand and gear and stood back up from the weeds he was gone. Hurried back to the Jeep and to the house for some deer chili.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Got in stand at 445 tonight and deer already in field... seen two more on the drive in... they are on their feet tonight!

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