That BB reached his limit with me tonight, broke in the boys xbow
You guys didn’t really want to kill those deer anyways. It’ll be alright
It was the first decent rack I've saw in two weeks and actually caught me off guard. I'm not gonna lie when I watched him walk off I was slightly relieved that I missed. I sat pretty high standard for myself this year and am 100% fine not killing a buck.
I did that a few years back, well about 10 years and I think about it every year season comes in. He was a GIANT, baseball bats for horns kinda thing.I missed a buck tonight. No clue what happened but I shot like 2 feet over his back. I shot another arrow into the ground right afterwards and dead on. Everything felt good, just missed. Shit happens. Theres bigger out there. I ain't even mad. I'll get back at it again sometime. Now until gun opener is when the real big ones come out anyway. Still no signs of a rut.