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Well it’s official


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Went too the Charlotte Douglas airport and picked up a buddy this evening. He’ll be here off and on through the 30th. He’ll head back to Ohio the 23rd and be back the 28th. Currently enjoying some Texas bourbon he brought with him. Catching up on the last year since we saw each other last. Daughter and SIL are on 77 and will be here around 0200. They’ll have my deer meat from my buck and some labatts blue for me 🍺😂


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well the kids have come and went, 6 dogs with only one whoops and I will call that a win. FedEx guy probably not so much 😂
Yesterday it was 65 and I washed the cars as no rain for a few days. Today it’s 55 and did some yard work and cleaned out the gutters. Merry Xmas NC style 😂
Been walking the drive with Bristol on a daily ritual, close too two miles up and back. It’s getting bad that I can’t put my shoes on without her running too the door and thinking we’re walking the lane. She’s spoiled as she goes with me most places when the wife doesn’t go. Coming back I drop her at the top of the lane and she runs behind the truck back too the house. Plenty of exercise these days, for the both of us 😂
Picked up a couple gift cards for the neighbors kids and we had a bunch of leftover candy canes that made their way as well. When he woke up and went out too the porch he found them and started texting. I kept telling him I don’t know what he’s talking about, but did see some guy lurking around that was in a red suit. 😇


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Made a couple more trips north, one for muzzle loader season and one for an unexpected death of my wife’s cousin....
Nice too visit with family and friends but after a few days I’m ready for the solitude of where we’re at. It didn’t take long for that too transpire 😂
We’re slowly getting the house together the way we want it. It’s a personal taste thing, we had our bedroom furniture delivered today. The wife was dragging her feet on pulling the trigger on the dresser and night stands.
Tomorrow we have a contractor coming in to get an estimate on counter tops. Nothing fancy like all the stone or cork material that is out there. Just old school laminate. We have an island with a stove top on it and we picked up a new jenair stove top that was half off at a sears store in Florida. Had it shipped too the house and it’s sitting in the garage awaiting install. We’re expanding the island out deeper so to be able to slide a couple chairs under it and use it as a breakfast bar. The island seems to be a magnet for when people are here so might as make it more useful.
After that it’s sofa and love seat shopping. The existing set was given too us by our daughter and son in law and was ear marked for the screened in back deck and will eventually be out there.
My biggest hurdle so far is getting and excavator too return a phone call/email for setting up too look at getting some work done. I’ve made 4 contacts and no return calls in the last 2 weeks. Oh well, we’ll see who calls first 😂


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Amazing how quick you get used to being out of the city! Really happy for you two. 👍🏼
The complete silence back here just soothes your soul. Wife and I sat on the deck in the sun with the dogs and just soaked it all in. Just a few short months ago we back on a corner lot on a busy street listening too al the traffic and trains in the background. Never batted an eye at those distractions up until we moved down here. Now I can’t stand it for more than a couple days.
Walking the lane with the wife and the dogs are our daily ritual as long as it’s not raining. Something I look for too it every morning when I wake up.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I feel ya. I can’t stand going to anyone’s house anymore. It’s cool for a day, but beyond that, I gotta go! Hell, traffic to the one house behind me drives me nuts. 😂