IF you become sick from Covid 19 there are some things that are appearing to hurt rather than help.
May want to Avoid Ibuprofen for symptom control, use acetaminophen instead This is because of how the NSAIDs work in relation to how the virus works in you.
The evidence for elderberry is mixed. This is because elderberry increases cytokines but a cytokine storm (too many) is one of the byproducts of the virus in some patients.
This is not medical advice, just a healthcare provider giving you information so you can appropriately make the best choices with your OTC medications.
Many people who catch COVID 19 won't know they had it. Some of those people will become sick with a respiratory flu aspect (sore throat, shortness of breath, fever, etc). Most of those symptomatic people can successfully be treated at home with your standard over the counter remedies. There are some people who will become sick enough that home care will not be enough and they will need supportive care in the hospital setting. Of those patients, some will develop bad enough respiratory distress to require intubation (breathing tube) and mechanical ventilation. The primary course of the hospitalized patients is a bad pneumonia. ALL this information is just that information based upon me reading through the many reports and studies out there. Please do your own research and make the best decision for you and your family, no actual medical advice being given.