More on the Amish Paste breed please and more picture of that cold box if ya don't mind, with lid and hinge.
We are trying to decide where we want our permanent garden at the new place, but first up is a new tiller. We can always move the garden location in a few years if we completely miss target. I would like a small hoop/high tunnel or glass green house but wife isn't a fan. A cold box is an option that I can tuck out of sight. Do you grow any cold weather items in it in off season?
Also, is anyone having luck with store bought potatoes to sow or going seed only? I know what my grandpa used to say regarding seed only, just not sure if anything has changed since then. We often have a couple sprouting in the store bought bag as it ends it's life.
The amish paste tomatoes, like Roma, are best used for canning tomato sauces. Last yr we made spaghetti, marinara, and hot dog chili sauces plus stewed tomatoes with them. Very meaty tomato, holds up well. The amish paste seem to be a little bit bigger than the Roma.
The cold frame is nothing more than a wood frame with a glass screen door. Lol. Little bit of riggin there, but it works. Yes you can grow into November or December with certain plants.
A few pictures from last year, and the grandbabies in the pumpkin patch
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