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Wildlife 2020/2021 Deer Season


Ragin Cajun.
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My views of the stages of hunting is that we all dabble back and forth and we never really progress to the so-called final sportsman stage until later in life. A good buck on camera suddenly makes us a trophy stage hunter, cornona virus suddenly makes us a limiting out hunter (LOL), etc.. Being methodical along the way is just how some like to do things. I always try to have a plan and be methodical but something always fucks up those plans and soon it's back to just get in the woods and enjoy life. Hunting humbles everyone along the way at some point. Makes you think what is really important in life.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
When I was younger, I would get excited just to see a deer...buck or doe...didn’t matter. Now I try to get the biggest buck in the area I hunt. I’ve killed many bucks in the 130-145 range with a couple 150’s thrown in. I will pass anything under 130..only because I know of bigger bucks in the area (Ohio, of course). I’d love to kill a 160 or 170 class buck but haven’t progressed passed letting a good 140 walk away...plus there aren’t many above 150 in the area I hunt. Maybe if I lived in Stark county I could pass on the 140’s.😂 NJ is a different story...if I waited on a 130 or better, I’d have very few bucks under my belt. Been hunting since I was 14 and I’ve only killed two bucks in Jersey that break 140. I’ve passed on many bucks in Ohio that would be taking a ride in the back of my truck if they were here in NJ. Don’t know what “stage” I’m in as a hunter but I used to harvest ten deer a year in my younger days...now I’m happy for one quality buck per year.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Wednesday - July 8, 2020:

Appreciate your sharing @Big_Holla & @Sgt Fury , thank you! Best of luck to you both this coming deer season!

Since I'm here, I'll share the following, which is another brief video clip of one of the other regulars that makes his appearance known almost everyday at the feeder, pretty much around the same time in the mid morning hours. I'm not certain if he's the same bird or not each time, however I suspect that he is. I've had more than one show up a few other times this year, but mostly it appears to be just the one that visits regularly. This would be considered a new era for my area. Over the past few years, they would show up from time to time, usually in the early part of the spring and/or once in while during the winter, but never stick around like this guy has. I suspect that the new restrictions on the property might have something to do with it along with my doing a much better job maintaining the feeder over the past year. Anyways, I'm happy to have them around and hope to see more as time goes on.

Still a no show of that dwarf doe yet, but I'm hoping that she does show up once again so I can share a much better photograph of her. THUNDER and a few of the other younger bucks spent another half hour feeding in the late night/early morning hours, about 12 hours ago, then scattered just before the next heavy rain we received.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Saturday – July 11, 2020:

Well, the reason for my absence the past few days is mainly because we were without internet service.

Just the other day we had a flash thunderstorm that developed right over our heads and it spit out one singular lightning bolt that hit our high voltage high-line in the middle of the yard. Our electric single-phase service that spans down through the middle of our yard and it took an absolute direct hit, which blown the 15 amp high voltage fuse within the cutout right above the transformer.

When it initially happened, the wife and I were in the middle of eating dinner and there was now warning whatsoever. It freaked the liven shit out of us to put it mildly!

So, I jumped to my feet, headed outdoors to look for whatever damage the lighting might’ve caused. It was extremely loud when it happened. I didn’t notice anything obvious right off the bat other than the cutout was hanging with a blown fuse out the bottom of it. That prompted me to fire up the generator, jump into the truck afterwards, drive down the road a bit to acquire cellphone service, and call the power company to inform them what just occurred.

We were on generator for about five hours until the power company line crew showed up. Didn’t take them long at all to get us back on utility power once they showed up, however our internet service never did make it back after the main electrical was turned back on.

So, once again, I jumped back into the pickup truck, drove down the road to acquire cellphone service and called Spectrum this time. Once I finally reached them and told them what happened, they suggested that I go to their office with the old cable modem and swap it out with a new one the following morning, which I did first thing when they opened.

After I got back home, I installed the new modem and still had no service. Darn, once again, I had to drive back down the road to call them on my cellphone and explain the latest situation. They told me they would have to send out a cable tech, which they scheduled for Saturday at noon, which was the soonest they'd get to us supposedly. Meanwhile, I took that new modem out to our electrical utility service pole and connected it to the cable service drop. Still, it was a no go. It wouldn’t boot up to the on-line status.

Once the tech showed up this afternoon, I explained to him what I did to verify the cable line between the service pole and the house, which I told him that there must be an open that is most likely in between the street pole and/or within the service span to the service drop from the road. Well, the tech told me that he was only responsible to fix or validate just the service drop, and if he didn’t have a signal there, he’d have to call their cable line crew to come out and try to fix it.

Boy oh boy, what a racket!

Sure enough, he had no single at the service drop, just like I told him he wouldn’t have. So, he had to call in another service ticket in for the cable line crew, which I originally told them that we took a direct hit of a bolt of lighting on our service lines. He was a decent guy though. Nice enough to make the service ticket a high priority because I told him that both my wife and I use the internet cable service for business/work. We were without it for nearly three days up to that point.

In the meantime, while I was waiting on the cable line crew to show up, I mowed the lawn, replenished another 250lbs. of corn into the deer feeder, pulled the SD cards out of the trail cameras and downloaded them onto my computer.

The cable line crew showed up around five and did find the problem quickly, which was out by the street. We have a cable amplifier box located just off our last service pole nearest to the street. It was blown up basically, all burnt up on the inside by the lighting. The cable guy replaced it with a new one in a matter of minutes. Now we're finally able to connect to the world wide web once again as of an hour ago.

Looks like I missed out on a fair amount since my absence. I'll try to catch up on all the going ons tonight.


more early morning daylight pictures of THUNDER from just the other day. He had company with him. So, I compiled another series of TC video clips and pictures of his time at the feeder that is approximately 12 minutes long even though he spent nearly another half an hour feeding. It was his second visit that morning. He was at the feeder much earlier, approximately 5 ½ hours earlier with three other bucks.

Hope you guys enjoy it!

The deer have been pounding down a lot of corn lately just over the past few weeks, which I suppose that’s a good thing.

Our very first fawn showed up at the feeder of the new year. It’s not the first fawn that I’ve seen this year though. As a matter a fact, I have a couple of pictures of a mother doe with a pair of twins cruising through our front yard from last week. It's nice to see fresh new baby faces showing up again. I kinda expect to see more of them make their way towards the feeder relatively soon now that they're getting big/old enough.


Hope everyone is doing well during these absolutely insane times?

Take it easy out there!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Monday - July 13, 2020:

THUNDER and his buddy showed up for the second time today during morning daylight. The photo video series is nearly 8 minutes long even though they both spent much more time at the feeder.

Just so you all know, I went ahead and created a complete playlist for this year's Whitetails on my YouTube channel if anyone is interested. I'll leave the link below.

Whitetail Deer 2020 Entire Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX-1JMYXAH9MTePLtSv8LoDXLgPvUmkaj

Until next time fellas, y'all have a good one!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Thursday - July 16, 2020:

Here’s the very latest from my feeder TCs.

It starts off with THUNDER & partner in crime, along with some furry critters. Then it’ll show a newcomer that seemed to make himself quite at home for the very first time around here. He’s definitely a good-looking future candidate no doubt.

The nearly 17-minute-long video is just another 2020 collection of TC video clips & photographs, starting with a couple from last night and then it’ll lead into some daybreak captures from this morning.

There was a slight image glitch about 10 minutes into the video, but it does recover quickly. Can’t explain what happened really and I didn’t want to redo the build, so it is what it is. The music is all fine though.

Yes, as usual, my videos contain music so, please check your device volume if you wish not to listen to it. The video has been added to this year’s Whitetail playlist on my channel.

I hope all of my recent sharing within this journal is at the very least a brief distraction from all the craziness within the mainstream world. If anything, I hope some of them encourage or help motivate others to seek out those wonderful opportunities that Mother Nature has to offer, God willing!

And yes, before you know it, the new deer season will be upon us. You can bet that I'm completely looking forward to it!

Take good care everyone!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Sunday - July 19, 2020:

Here is the very latest of THUNDER at the feeder during daybreak this morning.

Please check your volume on your listening device if you wish not to listen to the music that is associated with it. It is nearly 12 minutes long of TCs video clips & photographs.

Anyone care to estimate what his age might be?

I also cared to share a recent purchase of two more very affordable TCs that will be set up overlooking a couple of licking branches that I’ll be setting up during the wet weather conditions that we are supposed to have this coming week. Only $24.99/unit, and they will be soakers for sure. I will follow up later on regarding their performance. I figured for that kind of money; I won’t be ‘TOO’ worried if they ever grow legs. I have had a couple of my TCs stolen in the past, damn f’en thieves! All my higher end TCs are within loc-boxes and these newer ones will be hanging high within the trees in plain sight. Fingers crossed that they do not come up missing this season. We’ll see what happens.


Simmons Whitetail Classic 10 MP Game Camera | Rogers Sporting Goods

  • 1 second trigger speed
  • 10MP images
  • Infrared flash – 70 ft range
  • Extended battery life – up to 9 months
Anyhow, below is the link where I purchased them from if anyone is interested. I received them in a matter of a few days via UPS.



Supporting Member
Ross County
Tuesday - July 21, 2020:

Another video that I just put together, which as usual, it consists of TC video clips & photographs, but this time it’s from last night during the we morning hours.

‘THUNDER & CREW’ spent well over an hour and a half at the feeder while trying to fend off some hungry raccoons. THUNDER displayed some more of that dominance behavior as well, which you'll get to see if you watch the video towards the end.

I made the video just long enough for one good old classic song, so please, if you wish not to listen to it, mute your system.

I’ll bet anyone that THUNDER’s rack is going to be shiny white this coming fall because of all the corn he’s been munching down over the past few months. He sure eats a shit-ton of it every time he shows up at the feeder, which is fine by me.

Within the video and the photograph below, you'll notice that THUNDER has some bumps on the very bottom of his right antler that appears to be similar to a buck I harvested back in 2009.


As you can see, the 2009 buck carried a lot of mass throughout his main beams as well. I often wondered if those were potentially future drop tines in the making, but I really do not know. Perhaps someone here can enlighten me as to what they might be or could potentially become?

I’m still waiting on some cooler wet weather to show up this week so I can make my way out into the woods to set up a couple of licking branches with a TC over them. Thursday’s forecast seems to be the ideal day according to the weatherman. I prefer to do that kind of stuff in the rain when I have this many deer in the area.

To all you ‘TOO’ members that are planning on attending this weekend’s ‘TOO’ summer event, I wish you all a safe trip & a great time! The food menu looks absolutely awesome! I look forward to all the good posts that will come out of it. Wish I could join you guys, but unfortunately, we are having one of our family reunions this weekend. I hope to be at the next one though, that is if you guys will still have me? I had a real good time last year, that's for sure!

Have a blast fellas, drink plenty and take good care of each another, which I'm sure you all will.

Later on!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Thursday - July 23, 2020:

Well, I managed to hang a few licking branches today during this afternoon sprinkle. One pine licking branch and four vine licking branches right on a main deer run that leads down from off the field to the bottom of the hill and straight to the PLB with a new TC hanging over it.

Looking from in front of the TC tree towards PLB , hang-on and up the hill of the main deer run straight to the field above. New TC in bottom photo, hanging 12' up the tree:

Looking down the hill, right photo with a group of vine licking branches identified and the same hang-on in the upper right.

Left upper photo is standing in front of the TC tree and the other two are from the stand looking down to the PLB and out towards the field at the top of the hill:

I cleared all the shooting lanes and completed all the needed mechanical items on the stand itself. This setup is pretty much ready to go now. Only five more to go...

I have to tell you though, I am beat!

It was about all I could handle for the rest of the day after clearing out all that debris, cutting down brush and tall weeds from the main deer run and around the PLB area. I was completely soaked afterwards, from head to toe. I intend to do one of my other setups tomorrow, also at midday.

For those that aren’t familiar with the habitat, terrain, setups and properties that I hunt mainly around my home, you’re more than welcome to review my last year's 2019/2020 Deer Season journal - Wildlife 2019/2020 Deer Season

Within my first 'TOO' deer season journal, there is plenty of information available, which includes photographs, field videos and written detailed descriptions of the specific areas that I hunt. There is plenty of acreage that I have access to, however, I primarily focus on approximately 30 some odd acres that is closets to my home. From time to time, I will venture out much further just to break up the monotony and not to burnout my permanent spots. Altogether, I have access to well over 1,400 private hunting acres and most of it is around my home. There are other hunters that hunt the same properties as well. I stay out their way hoping they will return the favor. So far, it seems to be working out okay. Human pressure has always been the biggest challenge on the main property that I hunt closets to my home though.


Yesterday, during the brief rain that we had, I grabbed the SD cards out of the two TCs that I have just off two different deer runs that lead to/from the bait station, further out into the woods.

I went ahead and compiled those photographs along with the ones from the bait station. Within the brief video below, you’ll get to see that I have a pretty good idea where THUNDER and friends are coming from and/or going, which in both cases, each of them either lead to or come from other setups of mine. If they continue to stick around and maintain current travels over the next few months, I am confident that I will get to lay my own eyes on THUNDER at some point.

Also, within the video, you will see a younger buck that either has a hide issue of some sort or he has plenty of white on him. The TCs captured all of them right at morning daybreak, so the quality is not the greatest, but I am curious as to what you guys make of it? He is a regular and I'm sure I will get further TC captures of him during daylight at some point.

Until next time TOOville, take care all!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Friday July 24, 2020:

The following are videos I created today from TC captures over the last 24-36 hrs.

In case anyone is wondering why I put these types of videos together: well, I do it for a few different reasons.
  • First, I obviously want to know what I have in the area with regards to our local deer herd and then some. What I might target going into the new season. I’m sure that is a given that most anyone would understand.
  • Secondly, I learn a lot by watching deer behavior, what the like, what they eat, what they do, where they go, so on and so forth.
  • Finally, within my workshop, I have a commercial grade cinema theater surround sound system that I acquired from a historically cinema movie theater conversion/upgrade project that I did in Rhode Island, back about five/six years ago. I literally have 13/120-watt theater speakers that are setup much like you would see at most any cinema movie theater of today. 8 large surround sound speakers, a right, left & center large 3way screen with horn speakers and 2 large sub-woofers that are controlled by a commercial grade digital head unit powered by multiple amplifiers. A complete 8x2x1x2 ‘Dolby Digital Surround Sound Cinema Movie Theater System’ that I professionally installed inside my 22’x38’ insulated workshop. I also have a fairly new VIZIO Ultra-Vision 60” SMART flat panel screen television set in front of the left, right, center & sub-woofer speakers. It's pretty much no different than sitting in a small comfy movie theater, except the screen is a tad bit smaller.
My workshop entertainment system can be at times, my little escape from reality, especially when I play anything but the mainstream media news.

So, when I try to stay busy in the shop, I’ll often launch my YouTube channel to play my current ‘Whitetail Deer 2020 Entire Playlist’ and watch it on my SMART TV.

All this year's videos contain music that I like and so does the wife. Trust me, I would much rather watch and listen to my videos over most anything else nowadays.

Plus, my videos keep me fairly focused and motivated, to keep at it and prepare for the up and coming deer season. Perhaps some of you will dispute the sane part, but rest assure, I am much happier being away from all the nonsense that is going on outside of our home these days. My kids are grown adults now, making a life of their own, so I have no little kids running around anymore.

I do have hundreds upon hundreds of other wildlife videos captured over the years, also on my YouTube channel, and please, understand that I’m not trying to promote my channel by any means, and/or attempting to make any kind of money off of it, because I DO NOT. I do not participate in that YouTube program. I create content for myself mainly and for anyone else who may also enjoy watching wildlife in their natural form and habitat.

I do not consider myself to be a wildlife photographer/videographer specialist either. I'm just a simple guy with a SMART cellphone and a couple other small type of cameras, that’s it.


below are the latest videos with a brief description, which is the same description associated with them on YouTube. They are also apart of this year's 2020 Whitetail playlist. Hope you guys enjoy them?

Take care and have a great weekend!

A pair of twin fawns finally found their way to the feeder with mother doe in toe. Today's trail camera captured two of the three that I'm currently aware of that live very close by, but all three of them are within the entire video. The very first photograph was captured a little over two weeks ago when they pasted through our front yard during the early morning hours.

Plus, another trail camera capture of the wild turkey that seems to also be a daily visitor during the mid-morning hours. I'm named him 'CLUCK' since he visits quite often over the past month or better. We have not had wild turkeys in the area on a regular basis like this, so this is a new era for us. Hopefully, he continues to make himself at home here and draws others soon.

This young buck will be a great looking deer in a couples more years and I certainly hope that he makes it until then.

I decided to give him a name much like I did with THUNDER only because he too shows up almost daily, usually with THUNDER though. The name arrives from his behavior that he commonly displays most of the time when he appears.

Within this video, you will get to see just how timid and shy he really is, especially when he is away from his fellow deer.

Mr. Opossum holds his ground while 'SHYBUC' attempts to feed for the night.

THUNDER & CREW once again getting the feed on last night.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
Sunday - July 26, 2020:

The latest of the bachelor group at the bait station:

THUNDER & CREW did not show up yesterday, so it appears that each of them tried to make up for it early this morning. Two different feedings and spent a fair amount each time eating.

First approach was approximately 1:30 a.m., once again near 5:30 a.m., and then stayed until morning daybreak.

The video is lengthy, but I still wanted to make it apart of this year’s Whitetail music playlist.

At some point, you will see THUNDER take a hoof shot straight to the head by one of the younger and more aggressive bucks. It appeared that he did not care to retaliate, and it was comical to see it happen. I am rather certain that THUNDER will get his payback sometime soon.

From what I can tell, I have about a 1:1 ratio of bucks & does that show up at the feeder at this point in time with about a handful of newborn fawns. The does tend to show up at all hours of the day, usually one at a time, but not always.

I am currently working on a bonus video project that I hope to have completed in the next couple of days.

Until then, hope you enjoy the update.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Monday - July 27, 2020:

@Big_Holla - One 50 lb. bag of whole corn will last up to about 48 hours around the salt licking block, so I try to visit that area every two or three days at the very most, otherwise the bigger deer just might find someplace else for their munchies. It’s not a problem really. The bait station is only like 50 yards from the back of our quest cabin. This feeder itself holds 200 lbs. of whole corn that utilizes a programmable timer. That gets filled approximately every 7-10 days depending how hungry the visitors are. When the season gets much closer, I will attempt to sink or calibrate to a minimum amount of corn dispensing that will hopefully educate the deer to a regularly feed during daylight. We shall see how that pans out for me.

I have other cameras setup much further out into the woods. Those are soakers. I swap those SD cards whenever I get to them, which may be months or during a heavy rain.

The following video is dedicated to the wife. She’s a big Pearl Jam fan.

Video description:

Mother doe and fawn at the feeder.

The fawn is obviously becoming more acclimated to its surrounding while at the bait station, especially each time mother doe brings her, or him.

Mr. Squirrel does not appear to be too happy about sharing all the corn.

Last night I heard a coyote howling and it sounded like it was at or extremely near the bait station. Looks like I’ll have to brake out the predator rifle with the thermal scope to help protect the fawns in the area now.

Damn F'en Yotes!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Tuesday - July 28, 2020:

Here is the bonus video project that I mentioned about other day in my previous post.

2019-2020 Hunting Season in Review

I was recently tasked to compile most all the photography taken from last year’s Hunting Season and put into a documentary type video and do a write up about it, so that is what I attempted to do in the following YouTube video that is attached below.

I assure you that I tried my absolute best to put most all the field video clips that I captured into it; however, it is not all of them. I have nearly 90% of the video clips form last year that was taken and only grabbed the cream of the crop of all the still photographs that were available and condensed everything down to a one hour and ten-minute YouTube video. It was a rather tough assignment for me considering all the time I spent afield last year as many of you already know and even some of you made comments about it in previous posts.

Within this video, you will get to see many ‘firsts’ for me, along with a lot of different wildlife encounters. Most all the photographs and all the video clips have wildlife within them, such as Whitetail Deer, Opossums, Red Fox, Pileated Woodpecker, Wild Turkeys so and so forth, plus those that I harvested/killed.

The video starts off at the beginning of 2019 and goes all the way through to the end of February 2020, plus a very brief video clip taken in early March of this year. Most all views are pretty much what I saw at the time, either “from the stand” or standing on the ground.

This video contains both amateur photography and videography that I personally captured with either a SMART cellphone, a Tactacam video recorder or an ATN THOR thermal riflescope and all of it is raw unedited content with nothing but natural sounds from good old ‘Mother Nature’.

What you will get to see and hear is what I heard during those times. I WARN you though, some footage contains gunfire shots that are rather loud, so keep that in mind if you choose to view the video.

Like I said, there are a bunch of new ‘firsts’ of mine contained within this video, such as.
  • My first Lone Wolf Alpha Climbing System that I camouflaged, and stealth modified myself
  • My first ‘AR500’ steel-built shooting gallery for both handguns and rifles that I pulled out of the nearby creek and refurbished the super old steel swing set.
  • My first ever Vortex riflescope mounted on my Varmint Rifle, which is a PST Viper GEN II 5-25x50.
  • My first of this style buck knife and deer leather sheath with a deer antler crafted for the handle that my father in law put together and gave to me.
  • My first ever muzzleloader, also given to me by my father in law, which is a thirty year old inline 50 caliber ‘KNIGHT’ that I converted from the old #11 percussion cap ignition system and .490 lead ball to the #209 ignition system utilizing 209 Blackhorn powder, Barnes TMZ 290 grain copper boat-tail with plastic sabots, a brand new fiber-optic open sites, Leopold rifle rings, 3x9-40 duplex riflescope and a custom paint job.
  • My very first euro-deer mount that I did of a local buck.
  • My very first muzzleloader deer harvest.
  • My very first velvet buck mount hanging on the wall that was also a local buck.
  • My first ‘TOO’ t-shirt & ball cap purchased and worn religiously.
  • My first time attending a ‘TOO’ annual event, which was at ‘Strouds’. What a great time!
  • My first time ever achieving a fishing award, also through ‘TOO’s annual fishing contest.
  • My first NO CAM Mathews compound bow, although I still have my old Mathews cammed bow as my backup.
  • My first time ever hunting ‘Deer Creek State Park’ and taken a couple of deer out of there as well.
  • My first time back to some of my old hunting stomping grounds in over a decade.
  • And finally, my very first-time hunting with a thermal riflescope, which I have every intension of sharing many more future video clips soon utilizing that equipment.
So yes, those are a lot of new ‘firsts’ for me over the past year.

I hope that those that watch the video enjoy it. I am NOT expecting everyone to take the time, but if you do, thank you!.

Yes, I know it is a long video, however it pretty much encapsulates everything from last year. You will get to see most all of my setups that I hunt and where, the landscape, terrain, and habitat of those areas.

I have been hunting and fishing all my life, especially when I can, in between those times when I am not working.

I do consider myself to be extremely blessed, being healthy and having a beautiful wife that tolerates my being gone often in the later parts of the year, but she does reap the rewards of it to say the least.

I want to share my total appreciation to ‘The Ohio Outdoor’ owners for allowing me to share my adventures to the whole wide world on your platform. So, thank you! I appreciate being a part of the ‘TOO’ family and I hope that my contributions are worthy and acceptable.

I wish everybody a great day and, until next time, take it easy!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
Sunday - August 2, 2020:

Some more music added to my 2020 playlist, which are the latest of the local boys.

Video description:

The latest of the bachelor group from at the bait station earlier this morning. THUNDER returned for the second time by himself just before daybreak and fed some more. The title of the video made me think of a particular music band for this series of photographs, and for it to be included in this year's Whitetail music playlist.

Video description:

The latest local buck activity at the bait station from throughout the overnight hours.

I built this video a little different this time than the previous others of this year. I have three separate trail cameras that cover the bait station area and they are not synced up or calibrated perfectly together, but they are close enough. I grabbed the best still photograph images and all the video clips, then put them together in consecutive order according to their time stamp. What you will get to see are three different image angles of the three local bucks feeding from last night. I may continue building all future videos much the same depending on the quality of the tail camera images from around the bait station area.

THUNDER, SHYBUC & BULL, and yes, I decided to give the other young buck a name as well only because I am having fun with it this year. He too is just as much of a regular as the others that shows up often, usually with THUNDER though.
It is obvious where his name arrives from, simply by his childish and bullish behavior. If you have observed the previous videos of him, you will know what I’m talking about; one hoof shot straight to THUNDER’s head the other day, plenty of aggressive moves trying to stomp on the Raccoons and all the chasing away of the other deer that wished to feed, and so on and so forth.
Anyhow, the three of them showed up at the feeder in between the heavy rain down pours we received last night. THUNDER seemed to do some of his own pushing around towards SHYBUC during his first feeding.
Then THUNDER showed back once again all by himself after another down pour, I guess just to top off right before the morning sunrise. He ended up not staying long enough to get any kind of daylight images of him this time, but I’m sure once this moon phase is over with, I’ll get more images of him while under the sun.

Counting down the days fellas, can't wait!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Some great candidates Denny! Congratulations on the amount of 1st's during last years season. Goes to show that every year is a new year and those 1st's help keep the fire burning inside.

Had a chance to see how that Simmons TC doe yet?