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Wild Hog Hunt (take ‘em all!)
January 29 – February 13, 2022: Legal to take hogs only (no size or bag limit. An annual Florida hunting license and a Refuge hunt permit are required to hunt hogs.
All hunters must purchase and possess a LSNWR Hunting Permit
and a State of Florida Hunting License, unless otherwise exempt. A current LSNWR Hunt Brochure must be signed and in possession by all adult hunters. Hunting permits can only be purchased through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) licensing website (https://myfwc.com/license/limited-entry/lower-suwannee-hunts/), county tax office, or other outlets that sell State licenses (Permit Vendor Code is 7800)
All motorized land vehicles must be state-legal and are restricted to designated roads shown on the map. Vehicles must park so they do not block roads or gates. All-terrain vehicle use (ATV/UTV, etc.) is prohibited
Hunters may enter no earlier than 1 and 1/2 hours before legal sunrise and must be out of the woods no later than 1 and 1/2 hours after legal sunset.
Hunting or shooting from within 150-feet of Refuge roads, open to public vehicle travel, is prohibited
Field dressing or discarding an animal carcass or parts thereof within 1000 feet of any developed public recreation area, game check station, gate, or within 100 feet of a road or trail, open to the public, is prohibited. Dumping of game carcasses is prohibited
HOGS: NO SIZE OR BAG LIMIT FOR HOGS- shoot them all; take hogs during any season except Spring Turkey and Waterfowl. In designated Archery Only Areas (see map), only bows and crossbows allowed.
January 29 – February 13, 2022: Legal to take hogs only (no size or bag limit. An annual Florida hunting license and a Refuge hunt permit are required to hunt hogs.
All hunters must purchase and possess a LSNWR Hunting Permit
and a State of Florida Hunting License, unless otherwise exempt. A current LSNWR Hunt Brochure must be signed and in possession by all adult hunters. Hunting permits can only be purchased through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) licensing website (https://myfwc.com/license/limited-entry/lower-suwannee-hunts/), county tax office, or other outlets that sell State licenses (Permit Vendor Code is 7800)
All motorized land vehicles must be state-legal and are restricted to designated roads shown on the map. Vehicles must park so they do not block roads or gates. All-terrain vehicle use (ATV/UTV, etc.) is prohibited
Hunters may enter no earlier than 1 and 1/2 hours before legal sunrise and must be out of the woods no later than 1 and 1/2 hours after legal sunset.
Hunting or shooting from within 150-feet of Refuge roads, open to public vehicle travel, is prohibited
Field dressing or discarding an animal carcass or parts thereof within 1000 feet of any developed public recreation area, game check station, gate, or within 100 feet of a road or trail, open to the public, is prohibited. Dumping of game carcasses is prohibited
HOGS: NO SIZE OR BAG LIMIT FOR HOGS- shoot them all; take hogs during any season except Spring Turkey and Waterfowl. In designated Archery Only Areas (see map), only bows and crossbows allowed.