My 42 pound girls bow has kilt more deer than a bow with a cute little sling on it lol, and they make fun of both of us for not hitting puberty, but im 17, you're 30 lmao
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My 42 pound girls bow has kilt more deer than a bow with a cute little sling on it lol, and they make fun of both of us for not hitting puberty, but im 12, you're 21 lmao
Im not even going there, lol, and Ill show my 40# girls bow when its layin on a carcass and if that doesnt happen I'll go hide
Did Redcloud just reccomend a peep? Geeze we've come a long ways in a short bus.
Did Redcloud just reccomend a peep? Geeze we've come a long ways in a short amount of time.
Here are my two hunting rigs.
Bear Black Panther Recurve 45#@28"
Ten Point Phantom CLS xbow 194#@353 fps