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We're TOO Good: 2010-2011 Kill Thread

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County

Got in the stand about 4:45 PM tonight. Deer were already in the field a few hundred yards away. I got in quiet and was setup over some acorns, I had high hopes for the hunt. You could hear a pindrop up in the stand tonight, overcast weather...it just felt good!

About 6:15 I catch a glimpse of what I think is a deer moving against the standing corn field about 80 yards away from me. I see another... another.. another... finally I realize they are coyotes and there is a pack of 6!!!

It took me a minute to get my bearings together, then realize they are over 100 yds away running in the opposite direction. I frantically grab my primos can bleat in a last minute effort to atleast stop them and get a good look through the binos. I hit the call and they all lock up in their tracks. I hit it again... the back two in the pack turn toward me and show interest. I hit it a third and final time and the back coyote turn and heads right toward me.

I had ranged two shooting lanes from this direction, one at 38 and one at 25, outside of that it has to be right in my lap to take a shot. The yote is very skiddish anyway coming into the call I can tell, so when it gets to about 55 yards I come to full draw, when I drew it stopped for about 30 seconds (seemed like an hour). Finally it came up to the 38 yard window and I knew if I wanted to shoot it was now or never. So I let a 100 grain Rage 2-blade on a Goldtip XT Hunter arrow with a Lumenok fly.

SMACK!! Perfect hit! Smoked it, the yote went about 10 yards max and dropped. I was pumped!

My first yote and to harvest it with a bow icing on the cake, I was all jacked up. For those of you who have seen my earlier threads about the problems i've been having with yotes on my apple pile, you can understand my excitement!

So no deer tonight but a hunt I will always remember!


DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County

Got in the stand about 4:45 PM tonight. Deer were already in the field a few hundred yards away. I got in quiet and was setup over some acorns, I had high hopes for the hunt. You could hear a pindrop up in the stand tonight, overcast weather...it just felt good!

About 6:15 I catch a glimpse of what I think is a deer moving against the standing corn field about 80 yards away from me. I see another... another.. another... finally I realize they are coyotes and there is a pack of 6!!!

It took me a minute to get my bearings together, then realize they are over 100 yds away running in the opposite direction. I frantically grab my primos can bleat in a last minute effort to atleast stop them and get a good look through the binos. I hit the call and they all lock up in their tracks. I hit it again... the back two in the pack turn toward me and show interest. I hit it a third and final time and the back coyote turn and heads right toward me.

I had ranged two shooting lanes from this direction, one at 38 and one at 25, outside of that it has to be right in my lap to take a shot. The yote is very skiddish anyway coming into the call I can tell, so when it gets to about 55 yards I come to full draw, when I drew it stopped for about 30 seconds (seemed like an hour). Finally it came up to the 38 yard window and I knew if I wanted to shoot it was now or never. So I let a 100 grain Rage 2-blade on a Goldtip XT Hunter arrow with a Lumenok fly.

SMACK!! Perfect hit! Smoked it, the yote went about 10 yards max and dropped. I was pumped!

My first yote and to harvest it with a bow icing on the cake, I was all jacked up. For those of you who have seen my earlier threads about the problems i've been having with yotes on my apple pile, you can understand my excitement!

So no deer tonight but a hunt I will always remember!

A few trail cam pics I have of the yotes earlier this month...

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats on the yote!

JJ- Nice going bud! Have to feed the little ones and fuel their fire to hunt by bringing home a deer! Good job!

Gern- You are a buck tease!

rgecko- Ohio Big Chuck? Very well played sir. You get my vote of laughter!


Dignitary Member
Staff member

Leave this one though. Maybe his crazy ass will convert the others to a Vegan lifestyle. You know he's telling the others how great it is. I've never met a Vegan that didn't run their mouth about it.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Can we count the neighbor's cat that Brutus the boxer killed last night? Left it right by the front porch for the kids to find.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I think that is a legit request Hicks, I mean he probably did hunt it down. Brutus just wanted to show you his kill and maybe get his picture taken with his trophy just like his owner does. Not like they were haning out on the porch together and got to drinking on the porch and Brutus said I bet you that you can't cross the road with out getting hit and then SMACK.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Good job on the yote!


Hey Jesse you could add my three Texas hogs to your tally. All three bow kills from 2010.

I forgot you and Dale both killed hogs this year! Well done on the bacon fellas!!!

TOO 2010-2011 Kill Tally

Bow Kills

Does: 5
Bucks: 1
Yotes: 2
Bears: 1
Hogs: 4

Gun Kills
