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What would u buy with fifty bucks?

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I received a bass pro shop gift card worth fifty dollars what should I get with it for this years up coming hunting season. I would love to hear ideas an it has to stay below fifty bucks to keep the wifey happy.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Tell the wifey that it's like a $50 off coupon and not JUST a $50 gift card first and foremost! ;) Then buy whatever you want to buy!!! :D Or just order whatever and act surprised when the box arrives like I do! My wife doesn't even ask any more. Shit just shows up all the time. "What did you get now?!?" In her best exhausted, eyes rolling voice!!! LMAO! :D

In all seriousness, the best question is what do you need that you can get with that card and not piss the old lady off?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Well I guess it depends on what you need and/or already have. For me, I need a new pair of bowhunting gloves and some new broadheads... so one of those would be my choice!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Thats the thing I don't really need any thing, that I can think of off hand.

Well then if I were you I would get something that I wouldn't normally spend by money on, something that is more of a WANT than a NEED. Or you could just pocket the gift card until you do actually need something.

You have to love the decision making process of buying hunting gear!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thats the thing I don't really need any thing, that I can think of off hand.

I would save it till I needed something, or till I got more giftcards and could buy something bigger.
Or put it toward another pair of boots, so that I could rotate boots when hunting a few days in a row.
That's my next buy...another pair of boots.

JBrown was in this same situation as you a couple weeks ago....wonder what he got?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Deerview mirror, The cruncher, and a bag of Acorn Rage. Yep.. Dude you'll slay them..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Amo... you can never have to much amo
(or a really good lap dance.)

I need a new Digital Camera. I'd put it towards that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hmm. I am leaning towards boots again for rotation. Seems you can never have too many shirts/pants for the different seasons. Additional or different decoys for coyote hunting wouldn't hurt my feelings. Fifty bucks though? Hmmm. Maybe hold off until after the season and stock up in the bargain bin on items you realized you could have used during the season. More goods for your gift card that way.


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If I had the card I think I would buy reloading supplies. That's the next hobby I want to get into.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would save it till I needed something, or till I got more giftcards and could buy something bigger.
Or put it toward another pair of boots, so that I could rotate boots when hunting a few days in a row.
That's my next buy...another pair of boots.

JBrown was in this same situation as you a couple weeks ago....wonder what he got?

I spent 60 bucks to have the skull of my 2009 buck cleaned with dermestid beetles LOL... so my loving wife gladly accepted my cabelas gift cards as a trade off. :) I'm not worried though. She's such a tight wad that she won't be able to decide what to spend them on... then she'll forget about them... then when we make our annual trip to Dundee this fall they'll be mine again. :)

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I thought about it today and I only have one trail camera and I am thinking of getting another trail camera, use that card to knock fifty off the purchase price and than I thought I might hold on to that card and save them and get some thing big down the road.


Senior Member
Buy whatever you want too and skies the limit. Just make sure you buy that camo nighty for the wife and all should go well for you.


Senior Member
Fifty bucks though? Hmmm. Maybe hold off until after the season and stock up in the bargain bin on items you realized you could have used during the season. More goods for your gift card that way.

Having a birthday in Dec and then Christmas, I love doing this...and then realize that I buy huntin stuff that I cant use til the fall...danggg