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Old junk files


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'm looking for some old junk files. Any size and any condition. I have inherited my dad's wood working tools and he liked to make knife handles. I'd like to take it a step further in the future with making the blade. I have some leaf springs but I'd like to start a bucket of old files also. I've always had a want to make my own I just never have. Hell, I might never do it. I have plenty of things piling up for when retirement comes, lol. But if you plan to come to an event and have a broken rusted file that you just never threw away, this is why you've kept it all these years. To pass it on to me to possibly make something my grandkids would love to have.

This is in the survivalist forum because I think it ultimately is what it is. If shit goes sideways they will be made, lol. So if you have that same idea, keep it for yourself. Maybe one of us can add to this thread if we start making them.


Active Member
Carbon, In
Old circular saw blades will work too. If you're going for something that doesn't require heat treating and tempering if you're just looking to get your feet wet. A little thinner, but could make a nice knife of some sort.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Old circular saw blades will work too. If you're going for something that doesn't require heat treating and tempering if you're just looking to get your feet wet. A little thinner, but could make a nice knife of some sort.
They don't have the look I'm going for. I want to look at it and know it was once something else.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure if you've ever done one before. If not, check out Warriors Way. Their shop is next to our retail location. Non profit that does classes in forging and knife making for vets, youth, and first responders. I think you would learn a ton even if you're done it before. He is pretty connected with a lot of the TV guys like Forged in fire.

A TOO weekend class wouldn't be a bad idea. Plenty of vets and I'm sure civilians would be welcome for a donation. I could put in a good word.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

Looks like they are more about melting the material down and starting over. Maybe it'll turn into that some day. But the reason I picked the file is because the material has already been forged. I can use the sanders I already have to reshape them. Only additional space would be for different grit belts and such.

I do like what they said about enjoying the process and how it could be very therapeutic. That is just a few steps past what I was thinking at this time. I just really love the look.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I need mine refinished if you can clean it up for me. I think you remember the small one I had done.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I retired. Not shy at all my friend . Just to get you started and something to do 🍺😎
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I won't side track or try to sway you one way or another. It sounds like you know more about the process than I do. (Which doesn't take much as I am admittedly pretty ignorant to it all.) I'll keep an eye open for files and stuff. Makes sense what you said about the metal already being treated. Skips some steps. Interesting topic. Keep the education rolling.
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