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  1. Iowa_Buckeye

    2024 Buckeye Football Thread

    We bought tickets to the Big 10 Championship game earlier this week. Not sure who to root for now!!! lol. We’ll still have a great time. My girls are excited!
  2. Iowa_Buckeye

    The Big 6: A deer story 19 Years in the making...

    I’m like ‘who the hell is Mary Drury???’ Lol Congrats on a great full-story buck.
  3. Iowa_Buckeye

    Lightening strike twice? Three times?

    Hope they get them recovered! What county are they hunting?
  4. Iowa_Buckeye

    Retirement Goals

    What I wish I would have been told when younger? Put as much as you can in Roth or 401k Roth versus traditional pre-tax 401k. Do this while you are in your earlier earning years (lower income/lower tax bracket) and pay less tax on the money. I’m upside down with a large tax-infested 401k...
  5. Iowa_Buckeye

    Clinton county giant?

    No - the Gulf of Mexico is not a drainage of that or any other river. A drainage is where water drains from. Not drains to.
  6. Iowa_Buckeye

    Clinton county giant?

    Hell Joe, you could have went all the way over to Florida and got you a gator with that interoperation!!! lol
  7. Iowa_Buckeye

    Its vacation time again. Who's doing what ?

    We stopped and walked the park on the US side first. Then crossed to Canada and spent 2 nights at the Sheraton there. Also had to hit the LCBO to get my brother’s favorite whiskey. Apparently hard to come by in the US? I grabbed him 2 bottles and will give it to him when we meet at Lake of...
  8. Iowa_Buckeye

    Its vacation time again. Who's doing what ?

    My wife has always wanted to see Niagara Falls, so we combined it with our annual summer visit with my family to Ohio. Also stopped at Cedar Point on our way home. Hitting Lake of the Ozarks at the end of the month.
  9. Iowa_Buckeye

    RIP Professor Jennings

    Dang. I actually got his autograph on a baseball during spring training game in Lakeland Florida in the early 80s. I have no idea where that ball is today!! lol
  10. Iowa_Buckeye

    A man has gotta eat!!!

    If you foul hook a bass on the side of the mouth TWICE, it sounds like it didn’t have the lure in its mouth and you were just jerking when it was looking at the lure in the bed. Who knows. If that was the case, he probably would have turned it in??? I know a bass can be caught several times a...
  11. Iowa_Buckeye

    A man has gotta eat!!!

  12. Iowa_Buckeye

    My mother

    Sorry for your loss Clay.
  13. Iowa_Buckeye

    I have met the enemy and they are us

    You shooting the hens? If not, I doubt the decline is due to hunting pressure. Maybe more due to a larger abundance of predators and egg eaters. Since no one really traps with the prices of fur down.
  14. Iowa_Buckeye

    Be sure to look up ....

    Our view last night. Breathtaking it was!
  15. Iowa_Buckeye

    Thank you TOO

    I can't even begin to image Dave. My thoughts are with you.
  16. Iowa_Buckeye

    FYI Dave's Sisters Passing. (Giles)

    Just sent. My god, how horrible.
  17. Iowa_Buckeye

    Goodbye Maumee River

    Quitter! 😄
  18. Iowa_Buckeye

    Short term investments?

    It is a year later! Opening prices today for the two index funds: VTSAX = $120.30 VFIAX = $462.66 Both have gained >20% in value alone, not including the dividend.
  19. Iowa_Buckeye

    Welp.... F facebook...

    Is this still available?
  20. Iowa_Buckeye

    Total Solar Eclipse over Ohio on April 8, 2024

    You can look at it with your naked eyes during totality. You won’t see anything through your helmet in totality.