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  1. Bowhunter57

    Broadhead blade length vs. width?

    First, I must say that I understand...shot placement is everything. That said... I hear a lot of coversation about cutting surface vs. cutting diameter, when talking about penetration and good blood trails...on 2 blade broadheads. * What are the differences between a long broadhead with a 1"...
  2. swamp_donkey2012

    arrow length

    not sure if there was a thread about this, but does having your arrows cut to fit increase speed and accuracy over using an arrow that is normal length i think 31? i talked to a few people and they said having them cut will make my accuracy and grouping alot better and add a lil speed with it...
  3. Gern186

    Found something shed hunting, lots of mass and length

    Was looking around for sheds last evening and something caught my eye on a brushy fencerow......... I thought you guys would appreciate it. I thought about setting up a trail camera over it:smiley_crocodile: Swantucky, I know where...