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  1. yotehunter

    having trouble

    I'm having trouble tuning my broad heads. To give you a run down on my set up I'm shoot in a Bear truth series two at 62 lbs 29 1/2 draw with a hell razor 100 gr on a epic 400. I paper tuned it with field points and everything seems to be square. I'm trying to get away from the rage and wanting...
  2. jagermeister

    Double Trouble

    A buddy and I met up this morning for a hunt in Medina County and, needless to say, it went extremely well. He had seen birds in a nearby picked soybean field strutting yesterday, so we knew they'd be in the area. We had an idea where they'd roost but we couldn't slip in close enough...
  3. Thunderflight

    I'm in trouble with the wife..........

    because I was bad today.......:smiley_bril: Hey it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission right????? :smiley_coolpeace: GSG-5 .22 cal It's a blast to shoot and cheap too!!!!
  4. Mike

    Basement trouble.

    I noticed quite a bit of water in the basement this morning before work. I left work after tying up a few things and started to look for the source. I found that the PVS that the pedestal pump is attached to, cracked right outside the house foundation about three feet below the surface. I found...