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  • Hay buddy . Lost your phone number when my phone died . The guy across the road , adam . Had his ground timberd. Plenty of fire wood there . I can fix ya up if you need some place to cut wood close .
    Hey Jamie hope you and Nancy are well - Kathie Gibson is going to have lung reduction surgery tmorrow in columbus - guess she will be in hospital 5 days - she has been doing procedures for several months to get ready for the surgery - later - geezer
    doing well, and I hope you are, too. thanks for the heads up.
    Hoots Dad passed away last night
    thanks for the info, Geezer. I actually saw him out a week or so ago on the way out to my property to get firewood. first time I've talked to him in person in a couple of years. told me his dad had Alzheimers pretty bad.
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