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Non lethal carry option issues


Senior Member
Supporting Member
The CCW is for life threatening situations, period. 💯 That being said, IF I feel my life is in eminent danger of death, I want that threat STOPPED. Not pepper sprayed, not tasered, not "kung fued" into a pretzel for the cops to pick up....if they even show up before the perpetrator runs off. 🙄

I don't have a safety on my CCW, because if I'm pulling it because my life is being threatened, I'm putting my booger hook on the bang switch until the magazine is empty. :cool:


Active Member
Carbon, In
Pepper spray isn't a bad idea, I mean it has its uses and its a hreat force multiplier. In public, someone starts messing with you. They don't have a weapon. Disable them and get out of there. If the cops show up the worst you get is assault if they want to charge you. That being said, I always have a firearm. But its good to have less lethal for their intended uses.