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Problems at the NRA


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
There have been many news stories lately about problems with upper management at the NRA. Most of these have come from reporters who would like to see 2A rights restricted so I’ve been suspicious of their spin. But where there’s smoke there’s fire and there are also articles from pro-gun writers about the problems. Problems have come to a head at the convention in Indianapolis.

Not surprising that in an organization as big as the NRA there are factions struggling for power. After the GCA of 1968 passed with the support of the NRA members revolted (lead by Neal Knox)and supported the election of board members less willing to compromise our rights.

Anyways the problems now appear to center on the NRA’s advertising/PR firm Ackerman McQueen. This article seems to explain things well.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
I read a good bit yesterday. Seems North and LaPierre had a power struggle, North knows a little dirt on LaPierre's spending of money, but Wayne won out? I'll wait and see how this shakes out. Wouldn't be shocked to see NRA move from New York


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Might be time for ole Wayne to retire, Ollie was dirty and looks like Wayne wasn’t so clean either...


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
It would appear that this is just getting started. From yesterday's OutdoorWire...

NRA Meetings NOT Quite Wrapped Up

Apr 29, 2019

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”
— Charles Dickens, “A Tale of Two Cities

This year’s National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting & Exhibits, the one hundred forty-eighth gathering of the country’s largest civil rights organization, is over for the members.
As members clambered to get into the Exhibits of the latest-and-greatest in the firearms industry, NRA leadership battled among themselves for control of the organization.
For the seventy-six members of the organization’s Board of Directors and its executives, today may be the heaviest lifting of what was a very heavy stay in Indianapolis. Despite Indianapolis having been a most congenial host, they’re not enjoying their visit.
This morning the NRA Board of Directors will convene what will be a very tough meeting. The Board knows it has to do something about issues that question their ability to protect the interests of the five million-plus members they represent.
The major question is whether they retain, suspend, or dismiss, longtime Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. It’s split the group into factions.
Once that question is answered, they’ll need to chart a course for the future that assures both members and regulators things will be different going forward, especially in regards to where the organization’s money is spent.
How they respond could have one of three outcomes:
  1. lay to the rest accusations of misfeasance, failure to exercise their legal responsibility for rigorous oversight authority of the not-for-profit organization’s finances,
  2. escalate those suspicions into charges of nonfeasance - a failure to act where there was a duty to act, or,
  3. escalate into malfeasance, intentional conduct that is “wrongful or unlawful” for some -or all- of the Board’s members. Malfeasance is a criminal act.
All Boards are responsible for supervising operations of the organization, especially how -and where - the money’s spent.
For years, the NRA’s spending habits have been the subject of discussion.
After some of the things that have been alleged since the NRA filed suit against Ackerman McQueen, its largest service provider, indications are that even the wildest speculations will fall short of the actual spending when real numbers are laid out in a courtroom.
The Board’s need to act - quickly- to prevent a full-on crisis of confidence in the membership was brought home in Saturday’s Membership Meeting.
Attendees quickly noticed the unexpected absence of NRA President Oliver North when the NRA’s officers were introduced and took their places before the members.
Murmurs turned to stunned silence when First Executive Vice President Richard Childress assumed the duties normally performed by the president and began by reading a letter from North. It explained that following the exchange of a set of rancorous accusation letters to the Board of Directors by North and LaPierre, North had learned he would not be endorsed for a second term.
Consequently, he was resigning his presidency.
The letter repeated North’s allegations of serious problems inside the organization, and his call for a full - and immediate- investigation.
Suddenly even the biggest skeptics in the room realized the internal problems NRA officials dismissed as “fake news” or exaggerations, weren’t either.
And the backroom battle between Wayne LaPierre and his board supporters and other board members (including North) who believe LaPierre’s continued presence puts the very existence of the 148-year old organization into jeopardy became a very public fight.
Even the normally predictable Members Meeting became “spirited” when a motion calling for LaPierre’s dismissal was introduced.
It was defeated. But one NRA Board Member told me “this fight is far from over.”
Regardless of whomever has the top job when staffers return to Virginia headquarters tomorrow, it won’t be business as usual. And likely won’t be anytime in the foreseeable future.
New York’s Attorney General Letitia James, no fan of the NRA, had already notified the “the NRA, its charitable foundation and other organizations” to preserve their financial records.
Yesterday, Albany staffers confirmed that additional subpoenas (meaning others have already gone out) will go out later today. They tell me the subpoenas aren’t related to the legal fight already underway in New York over the NRA’s Carry Guard program.
The NRA’s now-public battle makes Ms. James the recipient of a significant political “gift”: as a New York chartered organization, she’s obligated to investigate the financial conduct of the organization she considers a “terrorist organization,” not a 501c4 not-for-profit.
Should her investigation uncover fiscal misconduct, she and Governor Andrew Cuomo will have a responsibility to act.
Simply distracting the NRA from the 2020 election cycle by redirecting its resources toward its own defense would be a tremendous boost for pro-gun control politicians- and Cuomo’s well-known aspiration for higher political office.
Whatever the outcome, it’s for certain the 2019 Annual Meeting won’t be one forgotten anytime soon.
The many positives coming out this year’s meetings have been tempered by a crisis that, at best, calls the capabilities, if not the credibility, of the organization’s leadership into question.
Like a majority of business-related questions, the majority of the answers will be obtained by one investigative technique: follow the money.
I feel safe in saying that I'll never join the NRA. I absolutely despise their constant bombardment of political propaganda via the mail. I'm hearing, from current members that they're resorted to making calls too. I get enough "robo calls" without subjecting myself to more. They've lost sight of the objective and now have their own agenda....much like the UAW. Their internal "feud" will be their undoing.

There are other pro gun organizations to join, if I so desire and without the harassment.

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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I feel safe in saying that I'll never join the NRA. I absolutely despise their constant bombardment of political propaganda via the mail. I'm hearing, from current members that they're resorted to making calls too. I get enough "robo calls" without subjecting myself to more. They've lost sight of the objective and now have their own agenda....much like the UAW. Their internal "feud" will be their undoing.

There are other pro gun organizations to join, if I so desire and without the harassment.


True. But none of them hold the pull that the NRA does. Perhaps they will gain market share as this unfolds however. As for the fees, your annual NRA membership fee cannot be used to pay for legislation or political action only administrative and fundraising stuff. Their PAC that does all the lobbying is the NRA-ILA. They use membership fees to generate revenue to fundraise for the PAC hence the hounding. In short you can actually support the legislative lobbying without supporting the organisation by donating to the NRA-ILA.
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I feel safe in saying that I'll never join the NRA. I absolutely despise their constant bombardment of political propaganda via the mail. I'm hearing, from current members that they're resorted to making calls too. I get enough "robo calls" without subjecting myself to more. They've lost sight of the objective and now have their own agenda....much like the UAW. Their internal "feud" will be their undoing.

There are other pro gun organizations to join, if I so desire and without the harassment.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I’m a member. I have two of their cheaply made hats. I wear them every time the media starts bashing the NRA. I still believe if you want to keep your guns, you should support the NRA. I haven’t received much hounding since rejoining. I dropped membership years ago for that reason.
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Senior Member
I’m a member. I have two of their cheaply made hats. I wear them every time the media starts bashing the NRA. I still believe if you want to keep your guns, you should support the NRA. I haven’t received much hounding since rejoining. I dropped membership years ago for that reason.

same boat, on all counts. If all you see when you look at the NRA is a money grab, you are missing the big picture. No other pro gun organization that I'm aware of has the infrastructure to lobby, or the political reach of the NRA. not even close. Not to mention the NRA does a whole lot more than lobby for gun ownership. training and education programs benefit from your member dues as well. sometimes we all have to do things we don't want to do or don't necessarily agree 100% with to get what we want. And that is why I stopped crying about all the mail and phone solicitations and rejoined 12 years ago after a 20 year absence. The NRA isn't going anywhere. the internal strife will be resolved. I may even get a life membership for myself and my wife.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I think all pro 2A organizations should be supported. That's why I financially support several. The more voices, the better. I also think that the NRA compromises too much. That's why I like the GOA. They are very explicit when it comes to our 2A rights. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I became a lifetime member when Obama was elected. They had a special for $300 or $400 to be a life member. Sign me up! Hard to undo this membership. All I wanted was to be an additional number when they speak for our rights. Whether I agree with everything or not, there is strength in numbers. I do not give them additional funds.


Active Member
The Hills
Yep, I sure dont agree with everything they do but hell that's something you don't find anymore. If we dropped everything and everybody that we didnt agree with 100% we wouldn't even have our dogs left. Something I dont understand in our current times is how the majority of the ppl have an all or nothing mindset. If that's how you live, you will end up with nothing. One bad call or decision shouldnt upend all the good they do.