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2012 season predictions


Junior Member
Huck that's no excuse me and a buddy never got out before 9am and we got four long beards. I work third never home that early then on days off the 4am stuff is for the birds. I think if it stays warm its going to be good.


*Supporting member*
Huck that's no excuse me and a buddy never got out before 9am and we got four long beards. I work third never home that early then on days off the 4am stuff is for the birds. I think if it stays warm its going to be good.

I've watched about 400 turkeys stricken with sudden acute lead poisining over the years and the majority of those became ill after 10:00 am.

My prediction..."pain"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've watched about 400 turkeys stricken with sudden acute lead poisining over the years and the majority of those became ill after 10:00 am.

My prediction..."pain"

I have heard that some guys (seasoned turk hunters) won't even go to the woods until at least 10:00 a.m.


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
I would say 90% of the birds we shoot come before 10am, well before 10am. I have got on a few later in the morning, but not as many as the first couple hours.

Scouting so far has shown us lots and lots of gobbling birds in our usual haunts. Hopefully they don't disperse too bad between now and the opener.


Staff member
I called a big Tom to 50 yards from the truck in BFE WV today. I was way back in this holler trying to find someone and I happened on 5 long beards and 20+ hens. On the way back through, I stopped behind some pines and hit the Primos Sonic Dome mouth call and one of the gobblers lit up and trotted right down the hill towards the creek below us. Definitely got my blood boiling!!!

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Huck that's no excuse me and a buddy never got out before 9am and we got four long beards. I work third never home that early then on days off the 4am stuff is for the birds. I think if it stays warm its going to be good.

I can't turkey hunt for other reasons, but I do agree. I think that if you're going to kill a bird, it's going to be within 100 yards and an hour from getting him off the roost; or it's going to be later in the morning on a quick set-up after locating them. I've shot one each. Admittedly, those seemingly empty hours in between are what make me leave...or nap...


*Supporting Member*
You'll work alot of birds early...Some will get shot in da head.You'll kill more birds later in the the morning tho percentage wise.. I like my odds of killing a bird way better if he is firing off after 9 am.
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Participation Trophy Winner
I came across a hen already on a nest today. Thought that was cool. Any how going to try to get momma on her first bird. She was close last year but fugged it all up, and got busted.


*Supporting Member*
The latest issue of North American Hunter pointed me this way...


My simple mind says if there are hardly any hens left to be bred, then pissing off the gobblers by invading their turf might work. They hear another gobbler giving it hell looking for a hen and they might be inclined to come check it out. Kinda like grunting during the late rut or second rut. Maybe not the best approach, but find the right bird in the right mood and who knows. I thought it was a great article and I love the idea of trying something new.

Badass call. Things gonna come in handy, especially for the #1 tactic I love to do. Get within sight of there roost and setup. I can see a bird getting pissed at a foriegn gobbler in the area, even better if he's roosted with hens, if pissing off the hens fails. The dvd that came with the call, they had one or 2 hunts where they used purely nothing but this call.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Driving home from the Expo yesterday I saw maybe 8-10 birds in the field with one Tom in full strut. Pretty close to home to boot. Too bad I don't have any permission close to this area. I was scratching my head and wondering why I never purchased any calls yesterday while at the Expo? What an idiot. Hoping to try it this year, yet I don't own a single call. Doh!