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30 caliber coyote rifle

5Cent said:
Buy one rifle and be done....30-06. From groundhogs, to coyotes, to deer, to bear, to elk, to moose.
I nearly agree with your suggestion, but after talking to a few 30 caliber rifle owners I don't think it would be a safe caliber for coyotes and groundhogs. Even as fast as I could run a 125gr. bullet out of a 300 Weatherby, that's a chunk of lead that may or may not fragment with the simple contact of a weed stem...like a 65gr. bullet would out of a .243 Win.

If I lived in eastern or south eastern Ohio, where there are more rolling hills, it wouldn't be a concern. Around here, it's flatter than a road killed squirrel...not to mention the next section will most likely have a farm house in it. As much as I originally liked the idea, I'm going to have to take into consideration a .243 Win. or a 22-250. The ballistic speed and fragmentation of a 55gr. V-Max from a 22-250 or a 65gr. V-Max from a .243 Win. will get the job done in good fashion...and I'll still get to see the varmints get split in half. :smiley_blink:



spencerville oh
From what I've seen the 243 at those speeds arnt that accurate, do to the factor of the twist of the barrel. A slower twist will stabilize a heavier bullet, which most 243 s are barreled with. The 250 ackley improved is a hella of a round but like mk111 said it is a hand load but its worth it when it comes too accuracy and speed.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
From what I've seen the 243 at those speeds arnt that accurate, do to the factor of the twist of the barrel. A slower twist will stabilize a heavier bullet, which most 243 s are barreled with. The 250 ackley improved is a hella of a round but like mk111 said it is a hand load but its worth it when it comes too accuracy and speed.

You got it backwards,a fast rifling twist is needed stabilize heavy bullets. The issue many .243/6 mm rifles have is a long throat which sometimes makes it hard to seat a light bullet against the threads.


spencerville oh
Yes your right Sam I did post that backwards, sorry for false info. And yes the oacl is hard too make work in the 243, 6 mm with those 60 and 55 grainers from what a found. Again sorry for post about twist thing backwards.