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Cotty's Hunt Journal


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Cracking me up Mike. Best of luck to you guys this weekend! Garrett and I will be shooting the muzzle loader this week after school a few times. He will be out this weekend whether toting the muzzle loader or crossbow. Love to see him tag his first deer.


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One more try...

I'm not going to the Outback stand, but I'm going to where I believe the targets are hanging out on the opposite side of the hollow.
I have no proof or evidence. I'm just going off of gut feeling.
So, knowing the terrain is a bitch, I'm heading out early in the morning and I'm going to do a slow walk through the nasty shit. In a sense, I'm pulling a "Mountaineer".

I have a time frame of about 2 1/2 hours to cover the ground. My boys play basketball at 10:30. I'm going to attempt to get on the ridge opposite of my stand where it blends in with the high walls and old coal spoils. Tomorrow I shall be a 1%er.


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Just finished filling out the bowhunter survey sent to me from the ODNR back in September. I'm glad I kept a somewhat accurate journal on this thread because I failed to mark my calendar on a daily basis as I did in years past.

I know there is still some time left, but I've pretty much written off the season in regards to a buck that fills my fancy. I may still get out a few more times, but that depends on the next camera check and if Jagger is still holding on.
I also may take Kody out to shoot a doe. The freezer is in need of restocking of some ground meat.


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ALMOST! Out behind my house is a big field. I don't hunt there much because the landwoner rides his UTV around spooking deer all season. However, he's been laying low for awhile so I figured I'd set Kody up a spot with a tent and corn pile for a late season archery kill. Tonight it almost paid off. The blind is set up just inside the woodsline on the east side of the field. Any wind besides an east wind is perfect. Tonight was an east wind and it killed us.
We headed out at 4:30. Two doe were already feeding on the corn. I knew ahead of time because I can see the pile form my house about 200 yards out. I put it there to keep an eye on the area easily. But, I decided to just get Kody out there and spook those deer. Nothing much else we could do.

We got set up and about 45 minutes later I saw a doe pop up over the horizon. It was a nanny doe leading her two youngins right to us. She got to about 40 yards and started throwing her nose up. She got fidgety, but still came in. She closed in fast and because she was on alert, Kody had a hard time finding a chance to draw. She stopped at 15 yards broadside and looked the other way. Kody drew... his right leg was in his way a bit and he had to shuffle his foot. The icy leaves rustled and she bolted. She stopped at 40 yards... looked around, and walked away.

I told him she'd be back. She clearly ddn't want to run off. About 30 minutes later, here she came leading her little ones again. However, she was on alert even more. She hung up at 45 yards and snorted and stomped for a good while. She kept zigzagging back and forth and everytime she'd make a turn she'd close the distance a little more by about 5 yards. Right before dark she settled in broadside at 25 yards, but had a tree between her and Kody. He couldn't draw because the little ones were looking our way the whole time. After a coupe of minutes nanny snorted and took off. We couldn't beat her nose tonight.

We didn't smoke up because we were running late to get out there and it prob cost us. Either that or she remembered the sound she heard earlier and just never felt comfortable. Getting a shot from a groundblind with a compound is a son of a bitch, especially for a first timer. Crossbow and she was dead, but I am proud of Kody for wanting to add this new challenge. He handled himself perfect.

No matter what, it was a great hunt with some great excitement. Wer will keep at every available evening this week and see what develops. It's nice setting up where we are because it takes 5 minutes to get out there and in the blind.


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Felt like I was right there! Hats off to the young man for staying out there in the late season!


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Kody and I headed out to the blind this evening at 3:45. We got settled in, fired up the smoker (I like just lighting it in the tent... the you know you're covered), and relaxed. Kody fiddled with the smoker for awile... put it on top of piles of leftover snow to hear it sizzle, tried burning leaves in it, stoked it up with a branch. you know.. just killed time.

Before I know it, he's hunched over snoring away. Now it's quiet and I can focus. About 4:30 2 doe appear in the woods directly to our left at 30 yards. I nudge him to get him up, get the bow off teh hook and hand it to him. The doe end up going straight out into the field and disappear over the horizon coming nowhere near our shooting lanes. He puts the bow across his lap and falls back asleep. WTF??? I guess a hard day of XBox is tiring (school cancelled due to ice storm this morning).

At around 5:00, a doe appears from the direction the first two went. Then another... then another... then another... it ends up 5 doe are marching our way. I bang on his leg to wake him... nothing.... another hit on the leg... nothing... another... still nothing. I lean over and whisper as loud as I can "KODY!"


There's deer... get your ass ready. LMAO! Fugger wouldn't wake up!

Kody finally gathers himself and readies for a shot. We have to let the first 2 doe pass by in front of us because they were moving in quick and he just couldn't get drawn in time. The thrid doe came in slower... he draws... I tell him I'm going to stop her, get ready... she's at 22 yards according to the range finder. She stops on her own. He's aimin... aiming... aiming... "Shoot when you're ready, Kody"... aiming... THUNK... the doe whirls at the first sound she hears and the arrow, which was heading right for the boiler, flies right past her side now that she whirled. She bounds away to the top of the hill. Looks around... and walks off.

"Did I hit her?" Kody asked.
"I don't think Buddy. I think she jumped the string and turned just in time to save her ass."

I tell him to stay put and let me know when I get exactly where she was standing. I head out to the field and look around for any sign... blood, arrow, hair, etc... I find nothing. I call him out to stand where I'm looking and I walk up to the top of the hill to look at the other side of the field. I was praying I'd see her laying there or at least see one with blood on her. I see 3 doe standing by the woods line. They snort and run off.

I head back down and walk right up to his arrow. Clean as whistle other than a little bit of slush form the melting snow. No blood. No hair. Clean miss, as I suspected.

I just start laughing to break the ice. I tell him, "welcome to the club buddy."

He shakes his head and is clearly pissed at himself. But, in the end, he takes it in stride and chalks it up to an experience.

I am very proud again at how he handled himself. He never rushed the shot. He let those first two go by because he just didn't feel like he could get drawn on them without spooking them. He stayed calm... he just missed. It happens to us all. In fact, it happens to me way too much!

Almost! Yesterday he draws on one. Today he shoots at one. Maybe tomorrow will be the day.
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