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EHD in Ohio?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I rather doubt the numbers will be down that much. Most effected hunters will just move location or hunt longer and harder to harvest a deer.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Columbiana County, north of East Liverpool....


All outta one hollow....


maybe in the big picture this is the best thing for Ohio, maybe if the hunting goes to shit for a couple of year the pressure and demand will subside


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
All within a half mile of my buddies place... I imagine the big one we saw last year will be amongst the next batch they find...


I'm sorry to hear this for ya J and Cotty this is a shitty situation, I am sure it will hit Tusc county( where I hunt)since its close to Jefferson


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
The property closest to this I hunt (deer at least) is about 15 miles north of them...
not much standing water around there but a few farm ponds which nothing has been found so far...


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Dang fellas.....sorry to hear this! Just hope this doesn't spread too badly. Time to take a step back and take a good hard look and think is the current model truly the best for deer and hunters of OHIO! Wonder if this would get the state to start looking at those running high fenced operations? And those dirty outfitters!

If it ever made its way up to NW Ohio, deer would be extinct for a long couple years!! There aren't many up here as it is!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I rather doubt the numbers will be down that much. Most effected hunters will just move location or hunt longer and harder to harvest a deer.
Yep. Yet another reason that simply looking at harvest data doesn't accurately reflect population levels.


Junior Member
I've been checking my pond every weekend and I took a walk around most of highlandtown lake last weekend. Didn't see a thing. Crazy that it's so close to your friends property, J. Maybe they're just going somewhere with less human presence to die.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I've been checking my pond every weekend and I took a walk around most of highlandtown lake last weekend. Didn't see a thing. Crazy that it's so close to your friends property, J. Maybe they're just going somewhere with less human presence to die.

They don't go far from where they contract it from my understanding....

There was a 170-180" in the area all summer (I saw it in February and it was impressive) and it hasn't been seen now for close to 3 weeks... The search for him is on...


Junior Member
If only they could come up with a spray that could be sprayed around water holes, ponds, creeks, etc... that would kill these damn midges, but not harm fish or wildlife. Or even if there was a way to treat the herds where EHD is hitting using some type of antibiotic type treatment that could be added to feed or minerals. I know that isn't possible due to the many complications that would be associated with that. Wishful thinking I guess. Such a shame that a little midge can reek such havoc on these amazing animals. Very sad! A freeze can't come soon enough