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EHD in Western PA


Senior Member
Supporting Member
WOW... A dwindling deer herd, then this... Hopefully this is very isolated pockets of this terrible disease...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
At least ehd isn't contagious

Confused! If chd isn't contagious why does it matter how a carcass is disposed of? Research shows it's not transferred deer to deer.
Just trying to understand it if chd shows up in this area.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Confused! If chd isn't contagious why does it matter how a carcass is disposed of? Research shows it's not transferred deer to deer.
Just trying to understand it if chd shows up in this area.

Talking two different diseases here.... EHD & CWD.... CWD can be passed along by improper disposal of deer parts... The prions in a CWD deer can last for years in soil... That's why a lot of states forbid you to transport deer through their states if they are not properly cared for...Example: Deer killed in any state that has had CWD infected deer such as Illinois, MUST HAVE ALL BRAIN MATERIAL REMOVED... EHD to the best of my knowledge is not contagious... Hope that helps...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
And it sucks that our ODNR doesn't share that kind of info. Goes back to that education thing I was pushing a few months back.

Great post, thanks for sharing
They will not prominently share that information for a couple of reasons.

1. They claim to be managing localized populations by county. Publicizing an EHD outbreak will only cause people to question why they didn't lower the bag limits for that County too offset the increased kill. I mean any so-called deer management person would take such a highly fatal disease into consideration wouldn't they?

The problem with that is.

2. They have zero clue what the live population of a county is. Therefor if asked the simplest question of " what percentage died" they couldn't begin to answer it.

3. They don't care about any of the above. A good old EHD outbreak is just icing on the deer decimation cake. Free kills to lower the population more.

When it struck massively in Southern Ohio back in 2007- 8 time timeframe they absolutely refused to admit it was even happening. I remember members finding dozens of dead deer on their property and contacting the ODNR who said that it was not EHD. I remember those same individuals reporting it to their local game warden. Then another person calling the same game warden to ask about EHD in their County and were told there wasn't any. Eventually after being faced with insurmountable evidence and pictures they admitted it but very very much downplayed the extent to which it happened. That very next year we got bonus gun season and more tags.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Boy... It would suck big time if you had a trip booked with an outfitter in any of the areas being hit....


Junior Member
I have some very disturbing videos of some big bucks being put down in ky because of EHD , on Facebook. It's getting worse as the month drags on .. some where in greenup ky which is close to Ohio line... I'll try to upload at least some screen shots of some the deer...


Junior Member


Dignitary Member
Staff member
On a side note. Why the hell would you mount a deer that you shot dying in a creek? People never cease to amaze me


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
And if the big FB really cared, I'm sure they could put a cure in the farmers spray to kill them....but this is a free win for them, so....


Junior Member
I know it comes from midges, I am saying where do the midges pick it up. I.e what animal are they feeding on that is making them carriers.
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