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Great Day At AEP!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
It's ok rexy.. I mean Flutey.. lol

What the heck? Nothing wrong with posting what you are up to when it comes to hunting and fishing in my opinion. I wish more would do it. Heck, I read this stuff when I am NOT able to be out, so I enjoy the pics and stories people put up while I'm stuck inside! Keep up the good work!

Sorry fellas, sometimes I get paranoid. BTW, have you seen my tin foil hat?
Congradulations to you and your wife! Those are some outstanding catches! That bluegill of your wife's is a chunk.

I may have to plan an overnighter, soon. I used to fish Q area...I think it was called Beaver Run and it had some huge bass and the bluegills were hefty. A cool place for sure, as you fished getting to see beavers swimming by your boat.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Looks like one heck of a fishing excursion! Congrats on two dandies!

In regards to enjoying yourself, working a ton, and catching up by sharing what you have been up to: What Brock said! Glad you shared. Great pics and looks like good quality time!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah, what Brock said! :)
I am interested in making a weekend trip to AEP land to camp and do a little pond fishing. I have read about it over the years, but have never done it or even looked into what I need to do. I'd like to take my son over. We have a couple of canoes, and all the camping gear we would ever need, just no "know how" regarding AEP. Do we need permits? Where the heck is it...are there maps available? I think the answer(s) is yes, so where do I get the info?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice fish Greg.... Tell the wife congrats as well..... And can you do me a favor next time you go out fishing and post some pictures????? Put some longer pants on too cover up them things.... Man the glare was killing me rotflmao J/K


Staff member
Yeah, what Brock said! :)
I am interested in making a weekend trip to AEP land to camp and do a little pond fishing. I have read about it over the years, but have never done it or even looked into what I need to do. I'd like to take my son over. We have a couple of canoes, and all the camping gear we would ever need, just no "know how" regarding AEP. Do we need permits? Where the heck is it...are there maps available? I think the answer(s) is yes, so where do I get the info?



Let both of us know when you decide to go. If you don't mind some company at camp, I'd like to join you...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks, Jesse, and I will!
I was just looking at the site(s). I haven't a clue when or even if I will make it over. Things have gotten extremely hectic around the shop the last couple of months and I haven't a clue when things will smooth out again. Fuggin employees off sick and others having surgery etc....I'm having to work far more than I like!:)


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Brock, if you decide to go, shoot me a pm and I will point you towards some good water. It's easy to get lost up there, so print off the map Jesse posted the link to and take it with ya.


Staff member
If you do go, let me know about a week out and I can print you off a good sized full color map. I also have aerials I can print for you...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
If you do go, let me know about a week out and I can print you off a good sized full color map. I also have aerials I can print for you...

How big of a copy will your printer handle? I wouldn't mind having a few aerials of AEP. I always preload the maps on my phone before I go up there, but sometimes, it's hard to get the big picture on a little screen...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good grief those are some big ol fish.

Looks like I might need to purchase a yak yet lol.

I'm right there with ya, man! I've never given a kayak much serious thought, but I really believe it would be a great weapon to add to the fishing arsenal. Plus, I could use it for waterfowling in certain situations, too.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I'm right there with ya, man! I've never given a kayak much serious thought, but I really believe it would be a great weapon to add to the fishing arsenal. Plus, I could use it for waterfowling in certain situations, too.

You are more than welcome to take mine for a test run next weekend if you would like.