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Happy mothers day


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Dustin and all the other mothers out there. We celebrated last night as all the kids were home with their partners. I made steaks, Maddy made the sides and everyone else cleaned up. Then we watched Twister. Today I told her we needed to ignore the kids and I'd take her greenhouse jumping.

We got my mom a Skylight. It's a slideshow picture frame that anyone we allow can add pictures to. Figure it might help with the empty house.

Dustin's sister might of taken that pic. She was there with them on that trip.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
When she would send me a text everytime
Her: what you doing?
Me: I’ll get beer and head over to do your yard work.
her: ok 😃
Glad I had every moment to do that with you . Too bad can’t do it anymore. But I’d still do my yard work for you and plant your flowers. 🍺 Happy Mother’s Day.
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