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How to~ on pics


central Ohio
I know how to post a pic but want to know how you guys imbed a bigger pic in your post. I used to be good at it on another forum but have lost it in the brain files somewhere


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Photobucket IMG codes are the ones that show up big...


Or any img coded hyperlinked photo. Attachments are thumbnails, hyperlinks are sized to fit the board.

To hyperlink a photo copy the URL of the image... Click the picture button in the reply box, click the tab that says from URL, paste the link and uncheck the box that says "Retrieve remote file and reference locally"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
While we're on this subject, I'll mention sharing videos. I've noticed that sometimes when someone tries to share a video, from youtube for example, only the link shows up instead of the embedded video frame. A quick tip... when you're in youtube and click the share button, there's an "options" button that appears next to the video url... click that and then check the box labeled as "long link." This will give you the full url code. Copy and paste this url into the 'insert video' button when making a post here and it will display the embedded video frame instead of just the link.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
While we're on this subject, I'll mention sharing videos. I've noticed that sometimes when someone tries to share a video, from youtube for example, only the link shows up instead of the embedded video frame. A quick tip... when you're in youtube and click the share button, there's an "options" button that appears next to the video url... click that and then check the box labeled as "long link." This will give you the full url code. Copy and paste this url into the 'insert video' button when making a post here and it will display the embedded video frame instead of just the link.

Yep. Or copy the actual link from the browser window. :)

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County