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Ice Fishing for parts of Indian Lake

I was talking with a co-worker about ice fishing and he said he'd been out a couple of times to the Long Island area of Indian Lake. He'd caught mostly bluegills and a few crappies.

I asked about the ice thickness and he said in the holes he drilled it was 3" to 4" thick.

Has anyone been out on any farm ponds, quarrys or local reservoirs?

Thank you, Bowhunter57


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I haven't been out yet but my brother has. A week and a half ago, Clemons Marina (up by the lake) had about 3.5" of ice. Today he sent me a text and said there was 6.5" of hard clear ice and about 2 more inches of top ice there. Everything's lockin up solid and lockin up quick!


*Supporting Member*
I haven't been out yet but my brother has. A week and a half ago, Clemons Marina (up by the lake) had about 3.5" of ice. Today he sent me a text and said there was 6.5" of hard clear ice and about 2 more inches of top ice there. Everything's lockin up solid and lockin up quick!

That's good news!

I might try to hit some local ice next week.


Junior Member
Didn't you work with Jeff Mathew? There is a picture of him and his buddy Steve Smith on Lima lake in the new paper. Do you have an ice auger? I picked one up at a garage sale a couple years ago. It is one of those spoon types I don't know if it works but if you want it just stop over you can have it. I got it to give to someone I worked with. He got canned and is working somewhere else I never saw him again.

If you don't know where I live I'll pm you if you want it.


Junior Member
Well I see in the other thread you got an ice auger. Any one else want one I have one I'll give you all you got to do is pick it up. Don't know if it is any good but it is worth a try.

Buckrun said:
Didn't you work with Jeff Mathew? There is a picture of him and his buddy Steve Smith on Lima lake in the new paper.
Yes, but Jeff retired. However, he's rehired as an inspector for our Westminster project, but I don't see him much. We used to live next door to each other growing up.

I heard about the article in the Lima News, about Jeff and Steve. I've not fished all year long, until the ice fishing bug bit me. Looks like I'm going to have to purchase a fishing license for 2 months of ice fishing, to be legal on anything other than private waters.

I'd like to check out Schoonover Lake, too. It used to have a good population of northern pike, but that was in the late 70s so it's anyone's guess as to what that water holds, now.

Thank you, for the ice auger offer. I picked up a 6" from MC Sports, for $30, the same time I purchased my rod & reel. Just got a sled last night and that makes it a lot easier to haul all the fish that I catch...NOT. :smiley_crocodile:

Good hunting, Bowhunter57


Junior Member
Remember to write your name and address on your ice fishing shanty if you use one. The ODNR nazi's will get you if you don't. I think it is a rule that started for the shanties that are left on the ice all winter. But they will still bust you if it isn't on your portable. It is also one of those hidden laws that you will play hell trying to find written anywhere.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Remember to write your name and address on your ice fishing shanty if you use one. The ODNR nazi's will get you if you don't. I think it is a rule that started for the shanties that are left on the ice all winter. But they will still bust you if it isn't on your portable. It is also one of those hidden laws that you will play hell trying to find written anywhere.

Actually, it's not that hard to find afterall. It's right in the beginning of the fishing regs... :)

ICE ANGLERS may use holes no larger than 12 inches in diameter. In Lake Erie ice anglers may use holes no larger than 12 inches in width. Ice anglers may not use more than 6 tip-ups and 2 rods per person. All shelters and tip-ups must display the name and address of the owner or user in English lettering.