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Senior Member
Athens County
Update for iphone?

I havent updated mine for a while. My fiance updated hers, and it changed 'map/gps' feature.

On my not updated phone, when i go to maps, 'standard view', it shows property boundaries like a plat map.

On her updated iphone, that feature is long gone.

Maybe im missing something? Not sure, but my favorite feature is being able to see actual property boundaries on the 'map'. Great guide line when checking out new places.

Anyone else know what im talkin about?

Anyone know what im talkin about? Is that a feature on ios7? Being able to see property lines in the map standard view?


Senior Member
Athens County
I have it on my phone that hasnt been updated forever. Afraid to up date it because that feature is bad ass. How the hell did you get a picture of you phone screen?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Can't help you out Gordo I'm not that hi tech lol.....

Did the download and it's definetely different lol.... Anyone who's done it know how too shut off what apps you don't want too be running? Used too just double tap the button and then hold down on what you wanted shut off not so much now lol


*Supporting member*
So far I'm not much of a fan of iOS7 but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Biggest thing I don't like is how gay everything looks now.

Gordo you can do a screenshot of your phone by hitting the button on the top right and your home button at the same time.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Thanks Jesse I googled it and figured it out lol... Almost the same but a little easier once you figure it out actually....


Senior Member
Athens County

Thats what im talkin about


Junior Member
Update for iphone?

I havent updated mine for a while. My fiance updated hers, and it changed 'map/gps' feature.

On my not updated phone, when i go to maps, 'standard view', it shows property boundaries like a plat map.

On her updated iphone, that feature is long gone.

Maybe im missing something? Not sure, but my favorite feature is being able to see actual property boundaries on the 'map'. Great guide line when checking out new places.

Anyone else know what im talkin about?

The reason for this is if your running iOS 5 on your phone it still uses google maps. When you update it dumps that app automatically along with YouTube and other google owned apps. Just download google maps and it will all be good again.


Junior Member
I didn't do anything special. I just hit download and let it go. Didn't lose anything. If you are already running iOS 6 then you shouldn't loose an apps or info. The problems come in when your still running iOS 5 or older. If you use iTunes on your computer and have wifi you can set it up to back up when ever your home. That's what I do. Also if you use AT&T your phone has a SIM card that has all your contacts saved. So worst case is you lose everything but contacts. I highly suggest backing up to iTunes on the computer at least once a month or so. I learned the hard way that if you don't and your iPhone gets destroyed and you're unable to plug it in to your computer you lose everything including all the pictures and video you have taken.

What I do with pictures is plug the phone in the computer. At first it is recognized as a mass storage device. I click to download pics and then put them on a folder my desk top. This way they are easy to find and I can delete them off the phone freeing up much needed memory on the phone.