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Team 5 - The Redneck 5


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
How long does mark have to check in?

I'm remaining opptomistic about this season even though I haven't seen any more deer around here than last year. There were 2 really nice bucks last season. I believe one was killed during gun. The other is still around but he's a wiley old bastard. There are a few reasonable bucks in the neighborhood though. Should be able to post some points.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
How long does mark have to check in?

I'm remaining opptomistic about this season even though I haven't seen any more deer around here than last year. There were 2 really nice bucks last season. I believe one was killed during gun. The other is still around but he's a wiley old bastard. There are a few reasonable bucks in the neighborhood though. Should be able to post some points.

I am hopeful that all will check in by end of day tomorrow...we only have 4 to check in yet.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Wow, what an upgrade LOL

Reason I didnt get in before was because I have had terrible luck the past two years. I'll get it done this year though. Glad to be a part of the group. If anything, I'll choot some P&Y branches...LOL


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Wow, what an upgrade LOL

Reason I didnt get in before was because I have had terrible luck the past two years. I'll get it done this year though. Glad to be a part of the group. If anything, I'll choot some P&Y branches...LOL

Welcome aboard Wayne.... Good too have you along for the ride.....


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like I'm going out in the morning. Maybe the evening, but not sure. I did pick up some apple wood chips and a propane torch at Lowes. So....I'm ready I soon as I can clear some time.


Staff member
Hope you make it out and have some luck Scott!

I'm ready to roll. Smoked up my stuff before I left for the tractor pulls. I grew up in a town that has the oldest independent fair in Ohio and its the same weekend of bow season. It's one hell of a tradition I love!!! Gonna have sausage samiches, watch the pulls, drink some beer, and enjoy the evening! I'll be on stand by 6AM loving life!!!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
A wise man once said "You dont miss the opener!" That is the only reason I will be out in the morning. Call it superstition if you want. I will only be out for an hour or 2. it's my wifes birthday and we are supposed to be leaving town around 9:30 A.M.
If a good buck comes by I will have to shoot it, but if a doe comes by I might let it go. Not because i dont want to shoot a doe this year, because I do. It might get a pass because of the time it will takee to track it, dress it, drag it, load it, transport it, unload it, hang it, check it in, and pack it full of ice. i dont think I could do all that and still be able to leave on time. i would take the grief for a buck, but not a doe.