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Team 9 2014


Dignitary Member
Staff member
They're the first 3-1/2" i've ever shot before. I was using my dads old 870 since I graduated from my 20ga and everyone had me all worked up they were gonna whip the snot outta me lol they really didn't bother me, I woulda shot another but at $4 a shell i'd rather save it for mister tom.

I haven't been out yet, my dad has been out since tuesday and didn't hear a thing tuesday or wednesday. I sent him to a spot I knew of and he heard a bird but got busted setting up on him... I have a feeling we can get on these birds if he didn't spook em good.

I do have to work tomorrow but I'm pretty sure when I wake up i'm going to have a stomach bug and have to go to the doctors till 11 ;)

Are we talking about the same shell? Lol. The 3.5 hevi blends? I agree with hicks. Three shots and you couldn't pay me to shoot a 4th. They klobber you.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shoot them with a shotgun with a collapsible stock. 3 is PLENTY! Sure is nice in tight quarters (like turkey hunting or close range coyote hunting) but doesn't help the recoil at tall.


Senior Member
Are we talking about the same shell? Lol. The 3.5 hevi blends? I agree with hicks. Three shots and you couldn't pay me to shoot a 4th. They klobber you.

Haha yeah the same shells. I think I just built it up in my head that they were gonna kick like no other. They definitely hit hard but didn't leave a bruise or anything. I could see 5 shells putting a sore spot on your shoulder. Hopefully I get to give em a go this weekend at a bird.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Conditions might not be best for sitting outside. Raining and looks like heavier rain coming. Might be my only shot for the next several days to hunt. Here goes nothing. I did see four toms yesterday on this property. Roughly 6pm. I know which direction I am heading. Two had beards, one was a jake, the other I didn't catch anything more than a red head.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunted 2 properties. At the first I was seeing nothing. Hearing nothing. Owner to the south said I could shed hunt it And I never did. Decided to say screw the turkeys and take a shed hunting excursion. Sure enough, 60yds of woods left to walk and a hawk glides in and lands on a tree. It was immediately followed by shock gobbles. Ethical decision time. Ugh. Watched 6-7 red heads pass at 40-60yds. Stinking morals. Didn't find any sheds either. Second property was my property. No noises heard. No turkeys seen. Wife was texting me by this time. Cold rain soaked to the skin made that decision easy. Time to go home and spend some time with the Mrs.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Yeah Steve, I passed a slam dunk on a jake this past Tuesday morning at 7:30. I've only killed two Turks my entire short bird hunting career and want to kill two toms this year if possible. I've only been out 3 times this year due to changing shifts at work. Two of those 3 hunts were in rain. I only heard gobbling on my first hunt(Wed first week) and had a Tom I was hunting shot by another hunter across the creek less than 100 yards away in their fly down zone. Sucks but that's turkey hunting! Lol

Prolly should have shot the jake but I'm still planning on holding out. His beard was only 1" long but he was fairly nice sized though. My first jake I killed weighed 14# and had a 3.5" beard and 1/2"bumps for spurs and my second jake weighed 19# and 15 oz with a 6.5" beard and same sized bumps for spurs.

I'm ready to go for a Tom or go home until the last few days of season. If I get lucky and kill a mature bird I might buy another tag but will be trying to help Karissa kill one more than anything.

Good luck teammates!!!


Senior Member
Anyone been out lately? My gf is running a half marathon saturday morning and I feel I should be there for her........ But I'll be out sunday for sure.


Senior Member
You could be there at the start, go hunt and then return for the finish:)

Haha I've considered all the possibilities but being 45 minutes from where I hunt makes it too difficult... She tells me I don't need to come but we all know how that'd work out if I went hunting instead lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Four letter word has been getting in the way: Work. Might go tomorrow. I am supposed to run our retail location in the morning though. It has been slow. I hate to pay one of the guys to sit there and sell less product than I have in his wages. I don't mind sitting there on Saturday mornings, but I am not eating payroll. Freaking rainy spring has killed sales.


Senior Member
Four letter word has been getting in the way: Work. Might go tomorrow. I am supposed to run our retail location in the morning though. It has been slow. I hate to pay one of the guys to sit there and sell less product than I have in his wages. I don't mind sitting there on Saturday mornings, but I am not eating payroll. Freaking rainy spring has killed sales.

what do you sell again?


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
what do you sell again?

You'll find him on a street corner or a dark alley occasionally if that's any indication.....rotflmao

JK Philbert! Yeah, work has really been my nemesis this season TOO!

TJ, you are being tested! Go to the race cuz it's a trap and women are very good at these games! Lol