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The TOO dump thread


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Hope for a speedy recovery buddy.

If nothing else, those tall glasses from the bar will help while you are on vacation and those crutches might get you boarded quicker lmao. Always look for the silver lining.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Thanks for all the well wishes fellas. It's feeling a hole lot better this morning. The BOSS man told me to stay home and attend as many safety meetings as possible. :smiley_clap:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Didn't sleep worth a crap last night. Not a big deal. Not dump worthy. Part of life. BUT. . . When you are exhausted, just cleaned the house from top to bottom, and now your wife's entire family is piling in for a birthday party she offered to host for her great nephew. . . Not being exhausted would help in dealing with all the little hoodlums running amuck, making noise, digging into everything they find. I'll make it. Just needed to dump, regain my composite, and return downstairs.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Have fun with that, Phil!

Thanks. I busted my butt cleaning. Was in the shower as people arrived. I could hear kids screaming over top of the shower, the vent fan, and the door was closed. Due to how our house was added onto, sound doesn't travel well upstairs. That's a lot of loud screams. I decided the best thing I could do was walk downstairs, continue down another flight into the basement, and pour a tall Makers Mark. I don't often drink, but when I do. . . .it is because the in-laws are here. 🤣
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Have fun with that, Phil!

Thanks. I busted my butt cleaning. Was in the shower as people arrived. I could hear kids screaming over top of the shower, the vent fan, and the door was closed. Due to how our house was added onto, sound doesn't travel well upstairs. That's a lot of loud screams. I decided the best thing I could do was walk downstairs, continue down another flight into the basement, and pour a tall Makers Mark. I don't often drink, but when I do. . . .it is because the in-laws are here. 🤣
[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] better pour another!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Pour fella

I see what you did there. Nicely worded! I survived by sending my wife GIFs based on whatever the conversation was. Sipped on my whisky. Hit send. Look across the room to watch her reaction. Then watch her show her sister in law who feels about the same as me. Then I'd repeat. At the end of the day, her niece is a single mom of a 3 yr old. She is going to school and working. She comes over maybe once a week to hang with her "Aunt Erin". Erin loves seeing her niece and great nephew. We are probably some of the only grounded people she interacts with. Her parents are divorced and there is some weird vibes due to second marriages and the fact she is an adult now. I am thankful she looks to my wife for friendship, mentoring, and I am happy to see her trying to make something of her life. Not all the wife's nieces and nephews have done anything with their lives. I'd say 50% of them.


Staff member
Had to take the wife's 2012 Traverse in for service due to transmission issues. Needs a new tranny to the tune of $5K. With 124K miles on it, it doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money on it, so it appears we will do something I never wanted to do and roll one loan into another as I'm sure to take a hit on trade-in now. Not the news I needed today, especially 60 days from sitting down with the bank to talk mortgages...


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Jesse, have you considered a salvage yard transmission? Save a lot by doing that. I did two last summer one was a mountaineer and one was a 4 runner. Found the transmissions in car-part.com they were less than a grand each. If you know anyone that could install. Wish I was closer I would do it for you.


Staff member
I am taking it to a locally owned transmission shop in the AM, which I probably should have done first as they do a free diagnostic screening and I paid $150 to the dealer for mine, then had them give me a trade in value and after looking it over, they feel the antifreeze consumption issue is not a head gasket, but an engine issue. $4,500 on trade-in for a $10,500 value vehicle after a new tranny and engine. I know the GM of the dealership really well, which is why I started there, not mentioned the local guy that does my oil changes/brakes couldn't diagnosis the issue himself.

We'll see what the other shop says, but we will likely pay for a salvaged transmission and replacement. We really just need this thing to get us to October and we'd be in a position to do something with it. Now is just not the time with the house situation on the horizon and me possibly changing jobs. As for the antifreeze problem (burning it, white exhaust) I bought some pricey $40 bottle of shit my buddy at AutoZone said they've seen good results with. Worth a shot...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I am taking it to a locally owned transmission shop in the AM, which I probably should have done first as they do a free diagnostic screening and I paid $150 to the dealer for mine, then had them give me a trade in value and after looking it over, they feel the antifreeze consumption issue is not a head gasket, but an engine issue. $4,500 on trade-in for a $10,500 value vehicle after a new tranny and engine. I know the GM of the dealership really well, which is why I started there, not mentioned the local guy that does my oil changes/brakes couldn't diagnosis the issue himself.

We'll see what the other shop says, but we will likely pay for a salvaged transmission and replacement. We really just need this thing to get us to October and we'd be in a position to do something with it. Now is just not the time with the house situation on the horizon and me possibly changing jobs. As for the antifreeze problem (burning it, white exhaust) I bought some pricey $40 bottle of shit my buddy at AutoZone said they've seen good results with. Worth a shot...

Accidentally leave it in reverse at the boat ramp and hop out. Just make sure you unhook the bow hook from the boat before you back up.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I am taking it to a locally owned transmission shop in the AM, which I probably should have done first as they do a free diagnostic screening and I paid $150 to the dealer for mine, then had them give me a trade in value and after looking it over, they feel the antifreeze consumption issue is not a head gasket, but an engine issue. $4,500 on trade-in for a $10,500 value vehicle after a new tranny and engine. I know the GM of the dealership really well, which is why I started there, not mentioned the local guy that does my oil changes/brakes couldn't diagnosis the issue himself.

We'll see what the other shop says, but we will likely pay for a salvaged transmission and replacement. We really just need this thing to get us to October and we'd be in a position to do something with it. Now is just not the time with the house situation on the horizon and me possibly changing jobs. As for the antifreeze problem (burning it, white exhaust) I bought some pricey $40 bottle of shit my buddy at AutoZone said they've seen good results with. Worth a shot...

Accidentally leave it in reverse at the boat ramp and hop out. Just make sure you unhook the bow hook from the boat before you back up.

Leave the tailgate open also, or so I’ve heard.....


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Prayers sent Miller.

Gordo, I pretty much hate wrenching on my truck anymore...so I feel your pain.

As some of you know from FB and texting this week. I received a gift last Sunday from my closest cousin. It was a hand made knife. (He ain't much for gifting things or even thinking about other people) I was touched beyond words... It was bad ass and I loved it. I carried it around all day in my pocket so that nothing would happen to it.

Well, I lost the mother fugger somehow! I have the sheath, no knife... I broke the news to him today that it was gone. I've been pretty hard on myself for over a week now. I haven't even had a beer since because I'm so pissed at myself. I have no idea how a full size knife fell out of my pocket and I didn't notice...

No one on earth is harder on me than myself, this ones gonna take some time for me to get over.

Never give up...found it!