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TOO Turkey Chronicles - 2014 Edition


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Thought this was an interesting comparison. Green pic is 5/11 last year and the less green pic is the same exact tree from 5/10 this year. Amazing the difference in growth this year...



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thought this was an interesting comparison. Green pic is 5/11 last year and the less green pic is the same exact tree from 5/10 this year. Amazing the difference in growth this year...

View attachment 21409View attachment 21410

One of the coolest pic comparisons I've ever seen Ryan! Thanks for sharing.

This morning pretty much sums up how my season went! This shift change was a big detriment to the amount of time I had to chase turkeys this season. I got absolutely soaked before I sat down to hunt this morning around 8. I was asked to take our youngest daughter to school so thats why the later hunt. I spent the day yesterday doing all my yard work before the heavy rains last night and today. I will have just the afternoons and evenings to get it done from here on out. Gonna throw my clothes in the dryer and hopefully get back out later.

Congrats to everyone who killed a bird this year!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
phpZOLs7QPM.jpgphphZgDDUPM.jpgphpyxYspgPM.jpgphpSlKMWHPM.jpgphplrHn5EPM.jpgphpbRyhaDPM.jpgphp4Ko5TJPM.jpgsecuredownload[1] (15).jpg Got to go down to an old family friend Don's cabin with him and his brother Ron yesterday evening to hunt this morning. We had a great time as we grilled some turkey breasts from my first bird this season. While sitting in the patio room we got to watch some deer in the woods and had an old gobbler come through and took some pics of him out the window. We have all been trying to get this bird several different days this season and it worked out this morning as we went to different spots and heard a few birds but this bird gobbled over a hundred times and wanted the ,hens to come to him. I got set up about a hundred yards from him and worked him about an hour. H,e would double and triple gobble but kept strutting back and forth. I just called real soft to him and would rake the leaves with a stick by me and finally he couldn't take it and worked his way around the hill to me and I gave him a load of six shot at about 45 yds and down he went.
After tagging him and heading back to the cabin Don and Ron said they got to listen to the whole thing and were happy to see the big bird go down. We realized after watching video Ron took and the pics I got of the bird the night before that it was the same bird. He weighed 22lbs had a 10-3/4 inch beard and 1-1/8 inch spurs so was real happy with my second bird of the season. Don and I are going to try and get him his second bird of the season tomorrow so it should be a fun morning. Between the 3 of us we have taken 4 nice birds this season and the best part is getting to hang out with some old friends and just having fun doing it. To me this has been one of the best seasons of gobbling I have heard in a long while. Seems to have been a lot of old birds and just working them a little different than those crazy 2 yr olds as just real soft calling and raking the leaves seems to drive them nuts as he gobbled just as much at the leaf raking as the calling. Good luck to the rest of you going out the last day tomorrow. Oh and Ron has the beard and Don is the giant standing beside me in the pic on the porch and when he holds his turkeys up they sure look small LOL.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
securedownload[1] (18).jpgsecuredownload[2] (11).jpgsecuredownload[3] (3).jpg My buddy Don made this for me from my first bird this season that had the 1-7/8 inch spurs and the other set with them are 1-1/8 inches long as a comparison. I am really pleased with them and after 31 years of turkey hunting these are my best and don't think I will ever top these.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
Final wake up for turk! Not gonna lie, I'm kinda glad. This fellow will be sleeping in tomorrow. Its 34 here with a hard frost. Good luck too anybody still hunting!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had a fast hunt with my buddy Don this morning on his second bird of the season,we had one gobble and got set up in some pines and I had Don sit about 15 yds in front of me and I worked the bird with soft calling and leaf raking like yesterday and he came in slowly and gobbled about a dozen times and I saw Don steady his gun and when the bird got to about 28 yds he let him have it. It was over at 6:30 and it is always a lot more fun to do it with friends. He had a little over 9.5 inch beard and 1-1/16 inch spurs and weighed 17 pds. It was a great way to finish the season out on the last day and Don, Ron and I ended up taking 5 long beards and had a heck of a lot of fun doing it. We took some pics in the pines and I tried some with and without flash on the camera and really like how the flash pics came out as it darkened it up and really showed the birds colors. Congrats to all of you that got birds this season and am kind of sad to see it end.phpi1BPzFAM.jpgphpKgFehGAM.jpgphpzCzjzJAM.jpgphpqUtc5HAM.jpgsecuredownload[2].jpgsecuredownload[1] (2).jpg