Driving back from district 1 hq where I met Curran and Milo towards the end of the meeting. Was interesting to listen to the individuals who showed up with various complaints. Attendance sheets showed about 70 who came and went throughout the day. I mingled and discussed numbers with many of those in attendance. Mostly I eavesdropped on conversations between visitors and the DOW.. I surmised very quickly that anyone wishing to talk deer numbers was immediately directed to a specific warden. An big guy named Bill who was nice and cordial on any topic of conversation besides numbers. Once those topics were brought up the mood of the conversation instantly changed and a very defensive from the script response was given. Topics like pistol caliber rifles, turkey tags, etc, were very cordial and you could tell the DOW staff listened, asked questions, and cared about the responses.. Even bill was. Open and receptive on such topics. But as soon as anyone brought up lower deer numbers the attitude changed. They were immediately defered to bill where the conversation became one of telling and hard nosing vs listening and caring.
After these people walked away from bill I talked to them myself and asked how they think it went. All of them said they felt like they instantly struck a nerve and was talked at and somewhat down to. I asked what county they hunt and showed them the numbers and explained why they were seeing the issues. And also explained why they were somewhat accosted for bringing it up. It was like a lightbulb went off and they got it.
I spent most of the three hours following bill around and not saying a word while he talked with individuals. I listened to what both parties had to say and the mood of the hunters. Bills never changed. He was reading the script and that was that.
Noticing that bill was obviously somewhat annoyed by me standing there for 2.5 hours not saying anything and following him around while he talked to others, and me talking to those people once they walked away from the conversation i decided to leave about 2:30 as attendance had dwindled to only a handful. Curran and Milo showed up while I was outside and I missed their arrival. I had a text from Eric that said they were in their way. I had somehow missed them in the parking lot and they were inside. When I walked in they were talking to bill. They were defered to him like all the others after bringing up deer populations. Afterwards I asked what they thought about it and they confirmed my observations. Anyone wishing to talk deer numbers was to be referred to bill where he would toe the party line and talk at people with the general attitude of you're wrong. The more you tallked to him the more he simply repeated the same stuff over and over with a slight more annoyed attitude.
In the end it was just as I thought it would be. A dog and pony show of green. For most issues they wanted to hear people's opinions and paid attention to the feedback. But for anything deer population related they were referred to Bill the enforcer to be talked at and down to.