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I need some backup!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have some liberal hippy wannabe giving me shit on FB. I post a link about saying the pledge in schools. Everyone "likes" it and shows support. Then we have one douche that decides to speak out against it. Anybody that wants to jump this dudes shit, feel free to do so. He is an old school acquaintance. Always thought he was a good bit off. No loss on my part. Here is where I am:

Phil Hicks shared KOOL 105.5's photo.
Thursday at 10:58pm ·

I remember doing this. I am ashamed we are not allowed to do so anymore. God bless the USA!
Share this if you used to do this... and think we should still do this.
8Like · · Unfollow Post · Share
Holly Conner, Keith Swallow, Vic Carter and 5 others like this.

Lynette Brentlinger My kids do this every morning, along with prayer!
Thursday at 11:02pm · Like

Ronda Koch Tucker They do the pledge at Elmwood, Maplewood and the middle school every morning.
Thursday at 11:02pm · Like

Jason Smith Okay... I'll bite. *Why* should kids still be forced to do this? I'd like to hear your reasoning.
Thursday at 11:20pm · Like

Joyce Hunt Davis We still do the pledge daily at school
Thursday at 11:50pm via mobile · Like · 1

Hoot Gibson kids are not forced to do this . if they dont stand , they are not punnished .
Yesterday at 12:28am · Like

Jason Smith Sorry... I guess "forced" was a bad choice of words. However, if a child chooses not to stand, he/she runs the risk of being judged and becoming a social pariah. That kind of pressure isn't very comfortable, and completely unnecessary for young children, IMNSO.
about an hour ago · Like

Phil Hicks
Jason- This is America. We should be pledging allegiance to America. Not Mexico, not China, not any other nation. Our kids are being desensitized a little bit at a time. It is becoming the norm to ignore how this country was founded. ...See More
about an hour ago · Edited · Like

Jason Smith So if I choose not to do the pledge, I'm a "little taliban puke"? Nice.
about an hour ago · Like

Jason Smith And very good use of the "love it or leave it" argument... One of my personal favorites.
about an hour ago · Like

Phil Hicks Not necessarily. Just an unpatriotic American in my eyes. This is your right. This is my opinion.
about an hour ago · Like

Phil Hicks It is not a "love it or leave it" argument. It is simply my opinion. You asked me to elaborate on "my reasoning". I am sorry if our opinions do not coincide. That is what is great about this country. We do not have to all think alike.
about an hour ago · Like

Jason Smith ‎"They don't like it? Let them go back to their home country and to living in third world conditions. I don't care." - Phil Hicks
about an hour ago · Like

Jason Smith ‎"whoever the camel dung slinging god they worship is." I thought America was about tolerance?
about an hour ago · Like

Jason Smith And why am I an "unpatriotic American" just because I'm not into as symbols as you are? Not to mention, you gave me the exact phrase of the pledge which backs my view that it shouldn't be said in schools anyway. That whole pesky separation of church and state thing.
58 minutes ago · Like

Phil Hicks Tolerance? I believe many people have freedoms in this country to believe what they choose. This doesn't make it right or wrong. This makes it their freedom of choice. I believe tolerance is 98% of this nation biting their tongues for the minute percentage that want to spit in the eye of our founding fathers and burn the flag or speak against it. Tolerance is not what made this nation what it is. If tolerance were our motto, we would still be part of England. We were "Back to Back World War champions" for crying out loud. lol
2 minutes ago · Like
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Dignitary Member
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I am literally laughing out loud right now. Bravo Capt! Bravo!:smiley_clap::smiley_asswhip::smiley_cowboy:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Look up Hicks Lawn Services LLC or Hank Tucker Outdoors on Fb and you should be able to find me linked to both of them Customizer. I will "Friend" you. . . .even if you don't get poison ivy. Yeah, I read that and sneered. lol You are one lucky SOB if you don't get it. I am jealous. ahhahah


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Life is far too short to be fb friends with people that don't love Merica.

Fixed it for you. Thanks again Huck. I agree with this as well. Life is short. Life is good. The Lord has blessed me and my family. I am going to eliminate the negativity. I will attempt to be "tolerant" first and just ignore it. He continues his shit and I drop him. Ironic in my opinion he felt we should be tolerant. This country was not formed because we are a "tolerant" people. Tolerance to the minority of those the scream when things don't go their way is one of the reasons we have become such a mamby pamby nation that elected some foreigner to office so he could bow down to all the nations which hate us and apologize to them. Also ironic the nations he apologized to hate us even more now.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
What a Ass.
Go Jack Nicholson on him Phil!

Colonel Jessup:

Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!
Look up Hicks Lawn Services LLC or Hank Tucker Outdoors on Fb and you should be able to find me linked to both of them Customizer. I will "Friend" you. . . .even if you don't get poison ivy. Yeah, I read that and sneered. lol You are one lucky SOB if you don't get it. I am jealous. ahhahah

Lol ill look ya up, its funny my dad doesn't and my kids don't, I'm in shorts scouting lol thorns are rough on skin but ivy is like air, just goes around me