Everyone has a different opinion. But everyone on this site wants to see the deer population increase.
I think Lundy is right. Reduce the doe tags. Not the season.
I'm just going off how we as a group hunt on our farms. Early season, Its warm and we dont shoot does because its a pain in the ass to take care of them in the heat. So starting the seasone later would make no difference in the number of deer harvested by us.
Later in October we harvest a couple does if the weather is cooler as our freezers are empty by now.
As the rut rolls around, Were hunting bucks only. Nobody shoots a doe till opening gun season. Its just a good time to shoot them, The weather is cool, And the rut has wound down.
By the time the second gun season comes around, There is not much hunting going on at our farms. My freezer is full, My buck is tagged. I still have a doe tag, But very seldem use it. Depends on the freezer. But its nice just to be out there to see whats going on.
I herd a ton off shooting the satarday of extended gun. 90% of witch came from amish country over the hill. Sounded like an army was over there.
We seen a few deer that day. But nobody on our farm took any shots.
We are lucky to have awsome habitat and a fair population of deer in SOME of our areas of southern Highland county. I wouldnt want to see the population drop anymore though.
I see very few people hunting the late season around here. I dont think shortening the season would help to much.
The only exception would be the amish, I dont know what there going to do when all there deer are gone, Witch wont be long at the rate there killing them.
I think the best thing the dow could do is lower the number of tags. Get rid of the antlerless tags all together.
This is just what i think from what i'm seeing around here. We have harvested 7 bucks and 5 does this year. It has been our best year since the start of our lease for bucks.
Hunting preasure on ajoining propertys is minimal witch helps alot.
overall, Talking to friends and neighbors, It seems the deer numbers in our area are down quite a bit.