My deer is done! Off to pick it up now!!! My man room is officially full of dead animals. Next one goes upstairs!!!
Ric, I took him to Roger Fore down in Coolville. He did a great job and I'm really happy with it. I'll get some good pics up tomorrow.
That's awesome Jesse, can't wait to see him!
I've been a busy man this week. Got the grass mowed Tuesday before work, and the house power-washed today before work as well as cleaned the building up. Got half a dozen arrows done up for 3D, and they will be ready to shoot tomorrow! Only working 9 hours tonight so I can go home and get a few hours of sleep before heading to town with the wife and baby! Yard work to do Saturday, and beer to drink Saturday night! Things are TOO good!
Ha ha ha how's that new ride doin?
Ric, I took him to Roger Fore down in Coolville. He did a great job and I'm really happy with it. I'll get some good pics up tomorrow.
Here is a good one that happened to me this year.
I went to a local Bowyer in northern Ohio to see his shop since I had just bought one of his longbows from a dealer in my area the month before. Great guy and the tour was really cool.
Well we get back into the shop where he has his sales floor set up and I start looking at all his bows while talking with him.
I come to one that looked weird (short) and it was heavy on the draw weight (which I like) so I ask to shoot it. He sets up the target and after a few shots I am in love.
He tells me the bow didnt come out the way he wanted it to so I could have it for $200. if I wanted it. I took it right there and then and shot it for a few months until one day I noticed a split starting in the riser. I called him up and he asked me to bring it by when I could. A couple of weeks later I stop by and he gives it the death sentence.
Now before I bought it he told me that this might happen and if it did he would replace it.... Which he did.
It took awhile but I finally got a call to come pick up my bow anytime. When I got there he handed me an African wood longbow built to my specs as a replacement. This bow had more than $200. worth of wood in it and was a trophy compaired to the self bow that I had bought originally.
I asked what the difference was and he said NOTHING. He wanted to make sure that I never had another issue with my bow and that's why he elected to use this better wood for the replacement. This replacement was at least a $600 - $700. retail bow and I got it for free!.
Cant say enough good about this guy!!
Steve Wagner is the Bowyers name